Quote Originally Posted by Safila View Post
1. Have you ever counted all your lion king stuff ? if so how many things do you own ?
2. Why did you choose science to teach and not music or something else ?
3. favourite dessert ?
4. Favourite perfume ?
5. What's under your bed ?
6. favourite colour ?
7. do you have a 'teacher's pet' in any of your classes ?
8. are you going dressed up for the midnight screening ?
9. best coloured smartie ?
1. I tried once, but never finished. I was up over 100 things when I stopped.
2. I chose science for a few reasons, the biggest being that I love science and talking about it with young people. Also, the government paid for me to get a master's degree if I went with science so that was a plus.
3. Any fruit.
4.Not a big fan of perfume really. I think a lot of them smell too chemical, but there are some that I think are nice.
5. Boxes of Lion King stuff.
6. Blue
7. I had a couple that were trying to be haha.
8. I'm planning to! I just need to put my new Gryffindor patch on my robes.
9. The Smarties here all taste the same, so color doesn't matter.