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Thread: What's Your Religion?

  1. #81
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    It also goes by interpretation, which can really make things a big problem. Which is why all of tthose denominations exit.

    First came Jesus and he told Peter that he would be the rock of which the church would be founded.

    Early Christians had to go in hiding a LOT.

    Then Constantine came along and allowed Christianity to last due to a vision he reported to have seen of a cross. The early church begins to develop finally after years of being tortured by the Roman Empire.

    After Constantine, Justinian came along, and here's where problems start. Justinian took what Constantine one step further. He made Christianity the national religion, so that anyone who wasn't a Christian had to pay a special tax among other things. Saint Augustine was against this and wrote 'The City of God' which defines that there should indeed be a difference between church (or any religion for that matter) and state. Justinian basically ignored it though. By making it a national religion, big time money goes to the churhes which instantly begin to prosper from it. Problem is that all the people of the Roman Empire recall hearing different teachings than the others. So they all get together for a conference and figure out what they believe to be the true writings and get rid of what the majority considered heresy. And thus... Catholicism was made.

    Now I have to back up a bit to Constantine. He had built a second capital for the Empire in Constantinople, in which he founded a church as well while there was already one in Rome. And when the Empire splits up later, Catholics and Orthodox split as well.

    Then fast forward to 1500-something Martin Luther realizes that the Catholic church is corrupt because of indulgences and worshipping relics and odd rituals and ruitines, and penance.

    The rest would take even longer to explain So I'll let you go figure the rest out.

  2. #82
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    yes but that was back then, christianity has a much different toll on life now then it did back then, there is so many different religions, that many of them are considered under the christian category! But different religions believe in different things and there teaching styles and techniques are not the same as they once were! I know all the stuff already you mentioned but, religion this day in time is much different then back then!

  3. #83
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    Not completely SW, the past is rooted in all of us. But yes, one could say that all the religions have 'evolved'.

    Oxymoron much?

  4. #84
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    Originally posted by StalkingWolf
    well question, if your a christian and you have been saved and accepted Christ as your saviour and you will be going to heaven someday, what is the difference then giving up your wordly possessions now, because you don't get to take them with you to heaven anyway, possessions last only for a little time, but treasures that you have in heaven last for an eternity, (but those have to be earned or gained!!!!)
    True, what I meant was that many people can't place Christ above earthly goods and such...their possesssions mean too much to them.....I wasn't saying you couldn't have them, just that if people had to choose, most would turn their back on Jesus and his teachings to gain a little more wealth in this world. I confess that I've done it, too. It seems more people worship money and other things nowadays than Jesus, until they need help. I try not to be like that, but I'm not perfect.

  5. #85
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    no one on this planet is even close to being perfect, only God is

  6. #86
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    That's right. "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." ~Romans *forgets chapter and verse, I was always horrible with numbers.... no pun intended (*cough.. the book of Numbers... in the Bible.. nevermind ";

  7. #87
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    were you calling me an oxymoron Ravoc???

  8. #88
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    I thought since everyone was discussing about this topic, I would bring this question up,
    What's "original sin"?

    Me <---Confused guy

  9. #89
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    Original sin is the sin you inherit from Adam and is forgiven with Baptism....according to Catholicism, atleast....

  10. #90
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    0 Post(s), I get it. But then why did they eat the forbidden apples?

  11. #91
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    Originally posted by nafklt, I get it. But then why did they eat the forbidden apples?
    Because apples taste good and ofcoarse the best apples always have to be the evil apples of doom or something like that....

  12. #92
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    Originally posted by lion_roog
    Because apples taste good and ofcoarse the best apples always have to be the evil apples of doom or something like that....
    Okay... whatever ya' say roog! *gives roog an evil apple* XD

  13. #93
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    We don't know if they were apples or not, it doesn't say, somehow someone out there decided to say it was apples they ate, but we really don't know.

    Original sin... according to the dictionary...: In Christian theology, the condition of sin that marks all humans as a result of Adam's first act of disobedience.

    And SW, hehe nah.. I wasn't calling you an oxymoron

  14. #94
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    No religion... I believe in God though.

  15. #95
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    Originally posted by Ravoc
    We don't know if they were apples or not, it doesn't say, somehow someone out there decided to say it was apples they ate, but we really don't know.
    yeah, I've heard that it could have been pomegranates... because they're appealing to the eye (in fact they used to hang these fruits at the bottom of they're robes, because of this... and they grow great where the garden of eden is thought to have been located... and they have a bittersweet flavor...

    but, who knows....

  16. #96
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  17. #97
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    When I'm out of school I'm never going to touch a bible again.

  18. #98
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    Originally posted by Muruwa
    Hey cool, I'm Mormon too *high five*
    *high fives back* coolness!!! Thats sooo cool Muruwa

  19. #99
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    hey nafklt, in the Bible it tells the story of Adam and Eve, and Satan was in the garden also, because of the temptation from Satan he tricked Eve and told her that if she ate of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, then she would become as gods, which was a lie! That is where the "original sin" came into place(like Ravoc said), and it has passed on from generation to generation!!!!! The Bible does not say whether what Eve ate was an apple, it just says the "the fruit of..."

    Oh, and Ravoc I knew ya didn't call me that I was just kidding with ya

  20. #100
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    Like I said earlier (I think, too lazy to go through the thread and see what I said earlier, if I even said anything at all), I'm agnostic, so I don't really hold any firm beliefs at all, though I periodically recheck my stance on things.

    Recently, though, I've decided that if God did exist, and he wanted us to worship him and everything, he'd make himself known. However, since he doesn't make an obvious presence, that leads me to believe he wants us to continue on with our lives as if he didn't exist, while he runs things behind-the-scenes, assuming that he does exist.

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