1.Favorite dessert?

So many things, but as long as it's vanilla pudding, or ice cream, I'm happy!

2.Do you have any pets?

Unfortunatly no My last pet (cat) I had to give up over 2 years ago, when I moved out of my ex his house into my own apartment, and I wasn't allowed to take him with me from the landlord. I see it once in a while, and even after all this time, still hurts sometimes he's not with me.

3.Can you remember the first time you watched "The Lion King"?

Yes. Was the first or second day it was out in the cinema in Belgium, June [something] 1994. Saw it with a friend and her family at the time, for her birthday. Went to McDonalds after, lol. Saw it in English.
Seen it twice more after (and the 3D in 2011).

4.Favorite tv series/shows?

Way too many!
But Monk is my absolute favorite.
Some others are Rizzoli & Isles, Friends, The Big Bang Theory, Stargate, Forever, Fawlty Towers, the list is just endless really...

5.Are there any special items that you always have to have with you when you travel?

Phone, wallet & medication. Everything else is completely replaceable, and can be bought anywhere really.
If I notice my mecication isn't in my bag, that's an immediate panick attack, which I know sounds silly to many people, but they make me feel safe, just knowing I have them with me.
My wallet, obviously, has my ID card, bank stuff, etc ... so an absolute pain not to have with me.
Phone, well, off course, lol.