1. Do you wear any jewellry ?
Yes. I wear a lot of beaded and tribal bracelets and necklaces.

2. what do you like to eat for breakfast ?
Bacon, eggs and hashbrown potatoes

3. do you like beetroot in your burgers ?
I've actually never tried that, so I couldn't say.

4. last movie you saw at the cinema ?
I haven't been to the movies in so long I don't remember. I will say that I plan to see the live-action TLK in the movies!

5. do you collect anything ?
I've dabbled with collecting some random things, but I currently don't really collect anything. I do plan to start collecting Lion King and Land Before Time items soon, though!

6. Favourite chocolate bar ?
I don't eat chocolate these days, but I loved the Ritter Sport milk chocolate bar with hazelnuts.

7. Do you own any vinyls ?
Not yet.

8. What colour eyes do you have ?

9. 4 things in your wallet ?
Debit card, driver's license, National Park pass, $5 bill.

10. Favourite female singer ?
I'd probably have to go with Sheryl Crow.