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  1. #1
    And at last I see KanuTGL's Avatar
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    I started filling this out again, only to discover that not a lot has changed since last time xP But enough for a refreshed edition, I suppose :P

    First Name: Anna
    Screen Name (s): KanuTGL, Kanu, Akeruru
    Email: teensimba[at]
    Nicknames?: Kanu, Nu... And I think that is all.
    Birth date: 2nd July, 1990
    Gender: Female
    Ethnic Background: Swedish.
    Eye Color: Blue with yellow rings around the pupil and some brown specks dotted around (heterochromia, yeah!)
    Hair Color: Kind of dark blonde, same as my mum.
    Freckles: Nope.
    Moles: Loads - I guess that's what I've got instead of freckles xD
    Scars: There's a small one on my right wrist after my grandparents' cat bit me :|
    Righty or Lefty?: Right-handed.
    Religion: Agnostic.
    Political Party: Uh... I tend to lean towards liberal, I think?
    Country?: Sweden.
    State/Province?: Östergötland.
    Marital Status?: Single.
    Sexual Preference?: Straight. With one possible exception.
    Parents Divorced?: Nope.
    Siblings? How many?: Two younger brothers.
    Children? How many?: None, thank goodness.
    Best Friend (s): I have several and I love them to pieces.
    Pets (names and what they are): Zig-Zag the cat (the old fellow. He's turning 13 years old next year... He lives with my parents though :C)
    Job?: Art Director for the massive career fair the student union hosts in February. Not paid, but I don't mind too much xP
    Schooling?: Currently attending the Graphic Design & Communication program in Linköping. I'm in my last year now. Eek!
    Car?: Nope.
    Play an Instrument?: Drums, some piano and some guitar.
    Glasses or Contacts?: I wear glasses when I sit by a computer screen or read for long amounts of time due to me being a little long-sighted. Otherwise I've been told my vision is very sharp, haha.
    Jewelry?: I like to wear necklaces :3
    Tattoo?: No.
    Makeup?: A lot more than I used to have. It's still very little compared to most, but for me it's a change, haha.
    Zodiac Sign: Cancer
    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Horse


    Animal: Lions, dogs, big cats in general.
    Color: Red.
    Country: New Zealand ^^
    State/Province: Dunno.
    Automobile: Honda Civic
    Shoe: Comfortable ones, haha
    Number: 2
    Food: Chicken korma *drool*
    Fast Food Place and Food there: Taco Bar's Nacho DeLuxe.
    Musical Instrument: Drums and piano.
    Drink (not just alcoholic): Uuuh... apple juice?
    Season: Late spring/early summer
    Actor: Johnny Depp, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Martin Freeman
    Actress: Karen Gillan, Cate Blanchett
    Music Genre: Old-school rock, Punk, Soundtrack
    Singer: Frank Sinatra, Ellie Goulding, Phil Lynott, Michael Jackson, Rob Thomas, Whitney Houston, MIKA, Freddy Mercury... Just to name a few xP
    Band: The Clash, The Beatles, ABBA, Queen, Matchbox 20, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Thin Lizzy... Again just to name the few that popped into my head :'D
    Movie Genre: Animation, Comedy, Adventure
    Movie: Oh, gosh, how to name them all... I'll do just a few here too. The Lion King, Balto, The Prince of Egypt, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Tangled, Dreamgirls, Chicago, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy...
    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Balto, Simba, Disney's Rapunzel, Dreamworks' Moses, Pippin Took, Aragorn, Sherlock Holmes.
    Villain in Movie: Scar! And Dr Facilier.
    Book Genre: Non-fiction, adventure, fantasy.
    Book: Born Free and A Lion Called Christian.
    Author: George Adamson, Hiromu Arakawa, Brian Jacques, Agatha Christie.
    Board Game: Hmm... I'll say King of Tokyo, just because, haha.
    Game Console: Nintendo 3DS, maybe?
    Computer/Console Game: KINGDOM HEARTS. (The first one, that is.) And good ol' Pokémon.
    Sport: Archery and horseback-riding <3
    Activity (Besides Sports): It's, uh... drawing and... I think that's about it. Drawing and various other graphics-related things.
    Website: deviantArt and Lea. And I guess Facebook too. I do so much collaborating through it, not sure how I'd manage without it, haha.
    Subject in School: History perhaps.
    Store: Disney Store :P
    Gum: I don't really have one. Minty?
    Candy: Liqurice, sour sweets and dark chocolate.
    IM Service: Skype, I guess. It's the only real option these days.
    Flavor: Uuh... I dunno.

    -This or that?-

    Email or IM: E-mail.
    Phone or in person: In Person
    TV or Radio or Internet: Internetz
    Cats or Dogs: Bah, I can't choose.
    Day or Night: Night.

    And now some Lion King-related ones...
    TLK or SP: TLK.
    Simba or Nala: Simba.
    Kiara or Kovu: Kiara.
    Zira or Scar: Scar. But I really do like Zira too.
    Mufasa or Scar: Mufasa!
    Timon or Pumbaa: Pumbaa.
    Hyenas or Outsiders: Hyenas.
    Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Pride Rock of course!
    Pride Lands or Outlands: Pride Lands!
    "Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": Augh, difficult... Movie-version: CoL. Elton John-version: CYFtLT.

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: NO.
    Alcohol: Yes, but I just don't like the taste. I'll have the odd sip of champagne on New Year's, but as a rule, I don't drink alcohol.
    Cigarettes/Cigars: NO.
    Chew: No.
    Cuss/Swear: When I'm very angry. If you hear me swear, you can be sure that I am in serious rage mode.
    Lie: I'd rather not.
    Stole: No.
    Attempted Suicide: No.
    Attempted Murder: Never! o_O
    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Sprained my ankle twice, and my wrist once.
    Got in a fight, did you win: Never been in a physical fight.
    Been shot: No.
    Want to go to college: I'm attending university now! And it's amaazing.
    Had an imaginary friend: Yeah, Rasmus the dog! xD Or was he a dog... I can't remember now. The imaginary friend was named after a real friend's dog though, I remember that much :P
    Wanted to be the opposite sex: It has happened.
    Had Déjŕ Vu: Loads.
    Gone skinny dipping?: Not since I was very young :P
    Walk around nude?: Ditto.
    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yes.
    Ever fallen in love?: Oh, yes.
    If so, at what age?: 16, properly. Mm... And maybe 23, too. It's difficult to say.
    How many times?: Once. Possibly twice.
    Ever been dumped?: Yep.
    How many times?: Once.
    Ever made out?: Yep.
    Ever had Sex?: Yep.
    Looks or Personality?: Both are good :P But personality really needs to match first. You can be oh so pretty, but if we're not compatible in personality, it ain't gonna happen.
    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Eeeh. I wouldn't say I'm awfully unattractive at least.
    Believe in love at first sight?: Mmm... Not really. Not "love" as such, but there can certainly be an instant liking.
    Do you want to get married?: Sure.
    Define marriage and what it means to you: "A bond between two people who are deeply in love and want to spend the rest of their lives together--you can be in love without it, but it sort of defines it for the world to see." FC said that once. I still believe in it.
    Do you want/have kids?: Eugh. Maybe.
    Boys name: Dunno. I do like the name John though.
    Girls name: No idea.

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you’ve done: Something I do quite frequently - look back at the stupid things I've done, thus bringing myself down even though most of it is way in the past.
    Greatest thing you’ve done: Beginning my studies at this university.
    Funniest thing you’ve done: Performing a collection of Monty Python sketches with my best friends in front of an audience! That was so very much fun. Even now, so many years later, I still consider it one of the funniest things I've ever done.
    Person/Place/Thing you hate: There is no one that I hate/Eh, Undercroft Restaurant (haha, keeping this old answer just because)/Early morning project meetings
    Person/Place/Thing you love: Letsnotgothere/Campus/My Cintiq <3
    Country you hate besides your own: There really aren't any countries I hate.
    Country you love besides your own: New Zealand! I think I've already been asked this though :P
    Best feeling in the world: Love (as long as it's mutual) and to feel that you belong.
    Worst feeling in the world: Feeling ignored and lonely.

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Again, I'm agnostic. So I really don't know o_o
    Do you believe in Abortion?: Every woman has the right to her own body and to decide what should be done with it. Pro-choice all the way.
    Do you believe in Cloning?: Uh, sure?
    Do you believe in Guns?: Well, we all know they exist, right?
    Do you believe in War?: They are real too. Even if one could wish that they weren't...
    Do you believe in Hunting?: Not for sport. Ever.
    Do you believe in Taxes?: Definitely.
    Do you believe in Texas?:'s right there on the map... xP
    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Of course!
    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: I'm not a huge fan. But, again, what other people do with their bodies isn't really any of my business...
    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Who knows.
    Was Michael Jackson guilty?: I don't think so, no.
    Do you believe in Heaven?: Again, agnostic :P
    Do you believe in Hell?: See above answer. |
    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person:
    Shadow, This Land, King Simba, Daniel, Lion King Stu, Amaryllis, Safila,
    Sharifu, Sadiki, Taneli, Leorgathar, Nathalie and Lucy!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KanuTGL View Post
    Sexual Preference?: Straight. With one possible exception.
    ok now THAT got me curious do tell :3

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