OOC: Oop...Well, I was saying lioness because I heard it twice before my post came, that's all. FC's not on crack! Just misguided.

FC's ears swiveled to where Iliana was mouthing off to the male that FC had taken a piece of. FC's heart thumped rapidly in his chest, a lump forming in his throat. For a moment, he completely forgot about his duties, focussing only on Iliana and her safety. He was trapped in a vortex of fear and uncertainty. He heard the rogue's words and a low growl errupted in his throat.

His nose wrinkled in fury and his fangs were bared to the point where you could see his pink gums in the back corners of his mouth. "Leave her alone..." FC snarled and leapt at the rougue but he had already barelled past Iliana, knocking her into the ground. FC didn't even notice the other rougue that'd charged through the gap, his sea-green eyes were fixated on Iliana. He leaned down and nudged her face, "Are you okay?" he asked, trying to get her to her paws. He was extremely worried for her now, he couldn't even see anything else--it was definitely a flaw he had.

FC stared her over, making sure that she didn't have any visible wounds--he knew the rougue had only run past her and knocked her over--but she was all he had left...with his father gone he couldn't bear to lose her...he knew that this fact would always be his weak point. He felt worthless again...