Originally posted by A-non-a-mus
What the *hehe* did you just say that your belief is true because gravity is true?? ...

drops a pencil ... yup gravity...
drops another pencil ... wow! evolution! ...

Those two have nothing in common
As Roog said, my analogy was to point out that gravity is labeled as the same kind of scientific idea as evolution (a theory). It, just like evolution, is a well-supported explanation of how a part of our world works, yet you clearly don't have a problem with gravity being taught in schools. What makes evolution different to you? Why is it okay to teach some well-supported scientific theories in schools, but not others?

Evolution IS a belief ... one that you believe in apparently, for there's as much evidence of that as there is of any belief.
Really? Okay then, can you please provide me with scientific evidence that Creationism is true? That Ganesha creates and removes obstacles in a person's life? That 40 virgins await those who sacrifice themselves in the name of Allah? Those are all beliefs. Yet I doubt you can provide me with a single piece of scientific evidence that they are true. These things are believed on faith alone. Evolution, however, has massive amounts of scientific evidence backing it: genetics, the fossil record, actual observation, etc. So, please explain to me how evolution is only a belief, and has just as much evidence supporting it as any other belief.

Another way we can say it's a belief, is that, no matter what we say it's not going to change your mind... In fact for us to say 'what you're believing in, no matter what insignificant evidence they think they have, is false.' would probably make you angered. All beliefs that are backed are like that.
You're making quite a few assumptions about what goes on in my head and what I believe. Actually, if you could provide me with scientific evidence against evolution, that would change my mind. You have yet to do this, however.

Or, I can say the same thing back if you wanted:
"Do you know all that I believe? do you know all the evidence behind it? ... then you'd be believing the same as me. Since you don't this is a reason it should be taught in schools. As so many are ignorant of it's significance to all life."
I have read the Bible. I have thoroughly read Creationist articles and claims. So, yes, I am quite familiar with the supposed evidence behind Creationism. I notice you didn't answer my question. How thoroughly have you researched evolution? How much do you know about it? If you're so certain that it's only a belief and that I have no good evidence supporting this belief, why haven't you tried to show me your own evidence proving it false or tried to point out scientific errors in the theory?

If you are so confident about your position that I am simply trying to shove my unproven belief down the throats of others, then why don't you challenge that belief as opposed to just challenging me? So far, all you've done is made accusations about my own beliefs and motives. You have not provided me with a single argument as to why you feel evolution is scientifically unsound. I encourage you to do so if you want your opinion of my supposed evangelism to hold any weight.