It wasn't long before the sounds of the village were quieted by the dense jungles that surrounded him. The cub spared a moment to look back briefly, as much to keep his bearings as to contemplate a moment the strange place he and the others had been led into. It worried him to leave the others in the care of the humans, especially so soon after a dealy battle that ended in certain blood-shed for some and the disappearance of several of their camp - many good and trusted friends. As a little while ago and now, he hoped that the lands would keep them all safe. Such wishes couldn't always be granted, but they could be hoped for and looked forward to.

The sound of branches and leaves rustling above him startled the cub back into remembering that he had precious little time; moreso though, the sounds that jarred his senses into a slightly higher state of alert served to remind him that he was alone out here - something he realized he should continue to hope for. Not all who walked these parts were friendly.

simba continued his journey southward, eyes all the while scanning for this elusive flower that he had been told about. Some time back his own dad had taught him a small portion of how to use herbs, flowers, seeds and all manner of various parts of nature. At first his training had been restricted to the learning of use of such pastes alone. He hadn't been taught just how to make them at that point, but there was more than enough to try and learn between which pastes could be used for what, which ones to mix, and which ones to be very cautious of. In time he began to learn how to make his own varieties. However, he had never once heard of or seen the flower he was looking for now.

The cub's eyes scanned carefully the bushes and ground that he traversed. Judging by the description he had been given and the available plants and flowers to his view now, he became more confident that he would know the flower when he saw it, nothing came close to matching it's description now.