Guys, can we please drop this? Every thread with a bit of intelligent discussion goes this way when an unpopular opinion is stated. There's just no point for that, this is the internet, it's really not worth getting that worked up about. Remember respect and maturity, and if there's going to be a discussion about who did what, please take it somewhere else. Please, this thread needs to get back on topic and re-establish a respectful atmosphere.

So, stating what I said before:

The one thing that really bugs me about hunting in this area is how irresponsible hunters can be. During their respective seasons, I'll see hunters closer than five feet from a road hunting with loaded guns. Granted, they're almost always pointing away from the highway, but I've always figured that a loaded gun being fired with 3-5 feet of a highway is always a bad idea. Likewise, it irks me to no end to see hunters hunting towards highways, even if they're 300 yards away, as many car/deer accidents in this area are the result of an irresponsible hunter spooking a deer into traffic. So yeah, responsible hunting I'm cool with, but I do think hunters need to stay away from traffic.