To correspond in this part of oasis...she is from pride rock, born after Kiara, so slightly younger than her sister, Nala and Simba as parents

Name: Cova Simova - Cova
Age: 1 (so yea youngish, early 20's human years)
Gender: Female
Species: Lioness


From head to toe, at first glance things are clear she is a teenager, Clear cut muscualr physique, creamy golden Furr running along her back and sides, with a second coating of downy snow white running from her chin down underneath her belly to her hind legs, both colours melting together up her slender tail to its tip, This is Cova


She is a very bubbly and jumpy person, her can do attitude clearly shown and is usually the first to say hello to anyone new. Forever with a smile or grin covering her face and bounding around other other lions even when they are never in the mood, and is always in the mood for anything!


Her life has been a sheltered and loving one, Princess to the throne of her farther and mother Simba and Nala who had always been there, making sure she was happy. This life has lead her to affraid of little, and at times a little ignorant of happeneings around her. She is usually to be found around her sister Kiara the two have little diffrences. Now she is blossoming into adulthood and ventures out to seek others.

(obviously holds no claim to ownership of photo, nor claims to be artist, was done by the all talented Sarafina and any comments to wanting it removed will result in it coming down immediatly )