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Thread: Tell Us About Yourself

  1. #161
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    Originally posted by Daniel
    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Ugly (sorry Cleto )
    :roars: Your opinion doesn't count

  2. #162
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    Originally posted by Cleto
    :roars: Your opinion doesn't count
    lol, well, if you say so

  3. #163
    Senior Member Simbaspirit's Avatar
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    no! i just did the whole thing and it got deleted!


    Avatar drawn by Azerane - thank you! :3

  4. #164
    Senior Member Sombolia's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Daniel
    Flavor: in what context? Ice Cream? Crisps? Condoms? What?
    LOL. That cracked me up. xD

  5. #165
    Senior Member Kovu The Lion's Avatar
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    A lot of things have changed since I last posted and i'm kinda bored so I think i'll give it another go x)..


    First Name: Chris

    Screen Name (s): , The Lion Kovu, Goten1702
    Nicknames?: KTL, Kovu, Chris, Kovy

    Birth date: June 29th 1990
    Gender: Male.. Last time I checked xD

    Ethnic Background: White
    Eye Color:Brown

    Hair Color: Dark Brown


    Moles: None

    Scars: my knee, Stomach from surgery, and some on my arms

    Righty or Lefty?:righty all the way FTW!!!

    Religion: Atheist (Sp?)

    Political Party: None

    Country?: Usa

    State/Province?: north carolina

    Marital Status?: uh not married? :P

    Sexual Preference?: Males/ Females, Twice the actions ; )

    Parents Divorced?: yes

    Siblings? How many?: (I hope this means family members :E) 1 brother

    Children? How many?: NONE LOL

    Best Friend (s): STL, Avalon, S22, Mizani, and a few others ^_^

    Pets (names and what they are): Frisky, Tabanasi , and Mavara

    Job?: Mcdonalds :E

    Schooling?: 10th grade

    Car?: 2004 dodge stratus

    Play an Instrument?: Nah

    Glasses or Contacts?:Glasses Pl0x!

    Jewelry?: nope

    Tattoo?: on my back, and right arm.

    Makeup?: pffttt No?

    Zodiac Sign: cancer

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Horse (Horsey ^_^)


    Animal: Lions and Wolves


    Country: Australlia FTW!

    State/Province: Florida

    Automobile: Ford

    Shoe: Vans


    Food: Mexican food

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Hardees, monster thick burger ^^

    Musical Instrument: bass guitar

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Mountain Dew

    Season: Summer

    Actor: ffs idk

    Actress: same as above pl0x

    Music Genre: ROCK

    Singer: :E...

    Band: DIDO!

    Movie Genre: Action

    Movie: The Lion king ffs duh? :P

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: JAMES BOND DUN DUN DUN !!

    Villain in Movie: Scar (h)

    Book Genre: fiction

    Book: redwall

    Author: Brian jacques

    Board Game: Chess

    Game Console: x box

    Computer/Console Game: Laptop online RuneScape

    Sport: Wrestling (The real stuff)

    Activity (Besides Sports): Drawing, Playing RuneScape


    Subject in School: Geometry

    Store: Food Lion (cause it has lion in it ^_^)

    Gum: Bubblicious

    Candy: SKITTLES

    Email or IM: IM

    Phone or in person: In person ^^ Funner

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet

    Flavor: Strawberry

    Cats or Dogs: cats

    Day or Night: day

    IM Service: MSN

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: hell no

    Alcohol: pfft nope

    Cigarettes/Cigars: nah

    Chew: ffs whats that?

    Cuss/Swear: yup big time :$

    Lie: Yep..

    Stole: Mhmm...

    Attempted Suicide: Once, F trying it again.

    Attempted Murder: hell no O_O

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Broke my arm twice

    Got in a fight, did you win: Yup and Yup :P

    Been shot: Been shot at, but not shot

    Want to go to college: yup :

    Had an imaginary friend: Many!

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: Eh.. :E Maybe.. :P

    Had D?j? Vu: Plenty of times

    Gone skinny dipping?: Yup yup

    Walk around nude?: Uh no lol xP

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yes.

    Ever fallen in love?: oh boy yeah :3

    If so, at what age?: 15.

    How many times?: 3

    Ever been dumped?: Plenty of times

    How many times?:bout 5

    Ever made out?: nope

    Ever had Sex?: nope :$

    Looks or Personality?: Personality

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Eh I don't like myself

    Believe in love at first sight?: Yes

    Do you want to get married?: I guess

    Define marriage and what it means to you: A Relationship where both persons can trust each other with everything and anything.

    Do you want/have kids?: Depends on if I'm with a guy or girl

    Boys name: Chris, James

    Girls name: Stephanie, Christina

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: walked in the girls bathroom :$

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Helped others in there needs ^_^

    Funniest thing you?ve done: Run into a car and say I never saw it x)

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: I hate nobody, I hate my school :P and homework

    Person/Place/Thing you love: STL ^^... Umm my house, and my laptop ^_^

    Country you hate besides your own: Er :|

    Country you love besides your own: Australlia!

    Best feeling in the world: Being loved by another person and you love them also.

    Worst feeling in the world: Lonliness...

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?:no

    Do you believe in Abortion?:no

    Do you believe in Cloning?:no

    Do you believe in Guns?:no

    Do you believe in War?:no

    Do you believe in Hunting?: eh not really

    Do you believe in Taxes?:no

    Do you believe in Texas?: its here isnt it?

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?:yeah sure

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?:eh not really

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: idk who that was

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: Murf disgusting O_O

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Bush I guess..

    Do you believe in Heaven?: Nope

    Do you believe in Hell?: Nope but i'm going there according to me mom :P


    Hobbies: Playing RuneScape, Chatting with friends on MSN

    Collections: dale earnhardt collection of cars, Pokemon/Yu-Gi-Oh Cards x)

    Goals: Become known across the world :$

    Dreams: To see SimbaTheLion once in my life ^_^..

    Fears: Being without my friends.

    Weaknesses: Loneliness, Get me away from people, And i'm gone

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'm sorry, I just had to add that =P oh heck yeah :3

    Most common emotion: Happiness

    Perfect Pizza: Hamburger and peporoni ^_^

    What?s your favorite Memory: First Meeting SimbaTheLion on runescape ^_^

    Countries you?ve been to: USA and Bahamas

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Florida, Georgia, NC, Penn, NY, South carolina, Virginia, Tennessee

    What pet would you like: A lion cub that doesnt kill you xP xP

    Any additional information: I'm tired of typing this up now :E Thank god its at the end xD

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Yeah they are pretty fun as Long as I don't have to type it up :P

    It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

  6. #166
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    Screen Name (s): va-kasi
    Nicknames?: Real life ones or Online? Reallife; none really, Online: VK and Kasi

    Birth date: 28/10/1986
    Gender: Female

    Ethnic Background: German, Australian
    Eye Color: Blue

    Hair Color: brown

    Freckles: A few, not consistent though;

    Moles: Yes

    Scars: One or two

    Righty or Lefty?: Right

    Religion: Christian

    Political Party: None Haven?t voted for anyone yet?infact? I have to get that form sent? It?s been a year and I?m still not a registered voter.

    Country?: Australia

    State/Province?: NSW

    Marital Status?: Single

    Sexual Preference?: Guys, not looking though.

    Parents Divorced?: No

    Siblings? How many?: 2

    Children? How many?: None

    Best Friend (s): Bestest friend! =1

    Pets (names and what they are): 1 dog

    Job?: Freelance artist/illustrator/bludger

    Schooling?: None at the moment.

    Car?: Nope

    Play an Instrument?: No

    Glasses or Contacts?: None

    Jewelry?: Nope

    Tattoo?: No

    Makeup?: No

    Zodiac Sign: Uh? Scorpio

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Wouldn?t have a clue. Not into this stuff


    Animal: Big cats, rabbits and foxes

    Color: Um? maroon, purple, blue, red, black,? and a bunch of fancy named colours noone would know

    Country: Australia, haven?t been anywhere else except for Fiji

    State/Province: NSW, VIC

    Automobile: No major preference

    Shoe: No major preference again? I hardly wear shoes O.o

    Number: Hmm, 9, 7? I don?t know

    Food: Chocolate of course

    Fast Food Place and Food there: McDonalds *shot* Hardly ever eat there, not keen on eating out.

    Musical Instrument: Bass Guitar, drums, percussion, violins?

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Milo (chocolate milkshake)

    Season: Autumn

    Actor: None

    Actress: None

    Music Genre: Aternative and Indie rock. Mostly Aussie rock.

    Singer: Not very into singers, more-so bands. Fav singer would have to be PJ Harvey.

    Band: Garbage

    Movie Genre: 2d animation, action, drama

    Movie: Watership Down/ Simba?s Pride

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Vitani, Kovu, pretty much most of the rabbits from WSD.

    Villain in Movie: Vitani (Kovu wouldn?t really count as a villain would he?) and for Watership Down; Captain Campion.

    Book Genre: Action/Drama. Not really into reading though.

    Book: Watership Down again

    Author: Richard Adams

    Board Game: Uh? Guess who!

    Game Console: None

    Computer/Console Game: None

    Sport: Chess?.? Well? It counted as a sport at school

    Activity (Besides Sports): Art/drawing

    Website: lilymud?ebay?

    Subject in School: Not art, it was drama filled and horrid. Perhaps Photography.

    Store: HMV

    Gum: None

    Candy: Not really into candy bars and such.

    Email or IM: Email. IM is the source of heavy procrastination.

    Phone or in person: Tough one, maybe equal.

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet. You can get the radio and tv through it

    Flavor: ? Not sure

    Cats or Dogs: Cats

    Day or Night: Equal

    IM Service: MSN

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: No, Sir!

    Alcohol: Nope.

    Cigarettes/Cigars: defiantly not

    Chew: ?

    Cuss/Swear: Sometimes, very rarely.

    Lie: Uh?the white ones

    Stole: Kinda? But accidentally

    Attempted Suicide: No

    Attempted Murder: Yeah, just last week. X)

    Note for FBI or Police: the above sentence contains sarcasm? leave me alone! D:

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Not really? nothing major anyway

    Got in a fight, did you win: Only verbal. Win? Who can say.

    Been shot: No

    Want to go to college: Haha, no.

    Had an imaginary friend: Not really.

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: No

    Had D?j? Vu: Plenty of times

    Gone skinny dipping?: No

    Walk around nude?: No

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Course

    Looks or Personality?: Personality

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: O.o Average

    Do you want/have kids?: Never

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Haha? wont say

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Finished school? O.O

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: School

    Person/Place/Thing you love: Home XD

    Country you hate besides your own: D: None? majorly

    Country you love besides your own: London, Scotland, New Zealand.

    Best feeling in the world: Joy, happiness? X)

    Worst feeling in the world: Ok.. I?ll stop

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Yes

    Do you believe in Cloning?: No

    Do you believe in Guns?: Guess so, but not in households that have no predator threat.

    Do you believe in War?: Guess so again.

    Do you believe in Hunting?: No

    Do you believe in Taxes?: Ok? Maybe not when I have to start paying them :P

    Do you believe in Texas?: Yes, I swear I saw it on the map once! Don?t believe me? Fine.

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Not really.

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: Not in his own mind? I think

    Do you believe in Heaven?: Yes

    Do you believe in Hell?: yes


    Hobbies: Drawing, animating, listening to music.


    The SuperJesus CD collection It's almost complete!
    (they're a band)

    SP collection I guess? It's pretty small though

    Goals: Get into Children's Illustration. Make enough money to be considered a "real" job.

    Dreams: Be Hawpy! *aww*

    Fears: Fire, wind, heights, great masses of water (eg. the ocean)

    Weaknesses: Uh? Physical or emotional?

    For physical... I'm short and thin, so hah, I am not very strong at all X)

    Emo: Too shy/quiet

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'm sorry, I just had to add that =P


    Most common emotion: Content

    Perfect Pizza: No Pizza!... Or hawaiian

    Countries you?ve been to: Australia, Fiji

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: NSW, ACT

    What pet would you like: Cat or rabbit

    Any additional information:

    I own a pair of fuzzy white socks

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires:

    It was time-consuming fun!

  7. #167
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Originally posted by va-kasi
    Fears: Fire, wind, heights, great masses of water (eg. the ocean)
    Wind is an unusual fear, do you mind if I ask why or what it is exactly about it that scares you?
    That which you manifest is before you.

  8. #168
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    Re: Tell Us About Yourself

    Screen Name (s): Kovu, KovuLKD.
    Email: find out
    Nicknames?: Kovu, Kovy, Kovac, K'.

    Birth date: 18 February 1987
    Gender: Male

    Righty or Lefty?: Lefty (rocks)

    Country?: Singpapore

    Sexual Preference?: Straight, girls.

    Parents Divorced?: Not officially

    Siblings? How many?: One elder brother

    Children? How many?: None

    Best Friend (s): Whoever consider themselves so.

    Pets (names and what they are): Two family dogs, Silkie and Peanut. x)

    Job?: Army recruit (soon)

    Schooling?: No longer (YESSS!!!!!1)

    Car?: Don't think i'm gonna drive.

    Play an Instrument?: Piano!

    Glasses or Contacts?: Glasses

    Jewelry?: None

    Tattoo?: None

    Makeup?: No thank you

    Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Hare


    Animal: Lion, rawr.

    Color: Bluegreen

    Country: Norway x3

    State/Province: Umm.. forgot.

    Automobile: Uh..huh?

    Shoe: Mine

    Number:. 4 or 7

    Food: Lots, ya can't have a fave food over here.

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Not really into fast food.

    Musical Instrument: Piano!

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Precious water

    Season: It's summer all year round here, so..

    Actor: None, really.

    Actress: None, really.

    Music Genre: Instrumentals

    Singer: None, really.

    Band: None, really.

    Movie Genre: Animation, anything good actually.

    Movie: TLK2:SP

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Kovu (duh x))

    Villain in Movie: Kovu (muahaha, yesss)

    Book Genre: Did you say Book??

    Book: You're kidding.

    Author: You're definitely kidding.

    Board Game: Cluedo, maybe?

    Game Console: PS2! And i don't even own one!

    Computer/Console Game: FF7!!!1!

    Sport: Most, but i don't do well in ball games.

    Activity (Besides Sports): Drawing and playing the piano.

    Website: See the address on your browser? Yea, that.

    Subject in School: Shush! No more school.

    Store: Don't buy stuff often.

    Gum: I'm from Singapore, whatcha think?

    Candy: Don't eat 'em often.

    Email or IM: IM, emails are for important stuff, at least so i think.

    Phone or in person: Don't really like either, but in person's better.

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet

    Flavor: Fruityness

    Cats or Dogs: Dogs

    Day or Night: Both are cool.

    IM Service: MSN, 'cause that's what we use to talk. x)

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: Not illegal ones.

    Alcohol: Tried a couple of times, didn't like it.

    Cigarettes/Cigars: Once, somewhat forced to, but i didn't inhale, i exhaled.

    Chew: No, i think.

    Cuss/Swear: Yes, but extremely rarely.

    Lie: I've never lied ever since i chose not to.

    Stole: Nope

    Attempted Suicide: Nope

    Attempted Murder: Nope

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Sprained right foot once.. or was it left?

    Got in a fight, did you win: Yes, most of the time.

    Been shot: Nope

    Want to go to college: That's what Junior College's for.

    Had an imaginary friend: No need for those now

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: Nope

    Had D?j? Vu: Lotsa times.

    Gone skinny dipping?: Nope

    Walk around nude?: Not publicly

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: I believe so

    Ever fallen in love?: Yes x3

    If so, at what age?: 18

    How many times?: 1

    Ever been dumped?: Nope

    How many times?: NA

    Ever made out?: Nope

    Ever had Sex?: Nope

    Looks or Personality?: Personality, she taught me that. x3

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Not attractive

    Believe in love at first sight?: Well it wasn't first sight.. was it?

    Do you want to get married?: Would be great

    Define marriage and what it means to you: I'll be searching for the definition in the dictionary, but what it means to me will be what it means to her, i guess. x)

    Do you want/have kids?: Would be great

    Boys name: Haven't thought of it.

    Girls name: Haven't thought of it.

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Misread a message, then gave an embarressing reply. xE

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Yet to be done.

    Funniest thing you?ve done: Forgot

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Hate's too strong a word, but i don't ever want to follow in my father's pawprints.

    Person/Place/Thing you love: Person. That's for you to figure out. x)

    Best feeling in the world: Love

    Worst feeling in the world: Hate


    Hobbies: Fun x3

    Collections: None x3 (rhymes!)

    Goals: Once, in a game of hockey.

    Dreams: I just realised that i haven't really any.

    Fears: Time, uncertainty, ...centipedes!

    Weaknesses: Inability to lie or break a promise, lack of confidence.

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'm sorry, I just had to add that =P: Ya rock mate!

    Most common emotion: Joy x3

    Perfect Pizza: Hawaiian

    What?s your favorite Memory: The moment when she admitted it. x3

    What pet would you like: Whichever's willing to be mine, if they choose freedom, all the better.

    Any additional information: See below

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: This thing took longer than i expected.

  9. #169
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    I think it's funny how long this questionnaire has went on after all this time :E

    It's like that stupid rabbit.. it keeps going, and going, and going x)

  10. #170
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    ((Well there have been some vital changes since I last posted this one xP soo I thought; Lets do it again!! xD))


    First Name: I'll give ya 5 guesses

    Screen Name (s): Avalon
    Nicknames?: Avvy, Ava and Av

    Birth date: 3 April 1987
    Gender: Female

    Ethnic Background: Hmm from what I know I am irish, far out in the family...

    Eye Color: Bluegreen

    Hair Color: Dark blond

    Freckles: Nope...

    Moles: I never knew that I had any untill yesterday Oo

    Scars: I large one on my back (surgical indjury), and one on my left arm..

    Righty or Lefty?: Righty, but can draw simple things with my left and I also eat left handed...

    Religion: Agonisitc, or more off.. dosen't know what to believe..

    Political Party: Umm my trust in politicians haven't rose, even though I have been granted the right to vote...

    Country?: Norway... with snow, snow, and yet more snow xP

    State/Province?: Scandenavia.. if that's a province Oo

    Marital Status?: Taken... yup, believe it or not...

    Sexual Preference?: Strait.. or what it's also called; males...

    Parents Divorced?: Nope..

    Siblings? How many?: 5 (not includeing myself)

    Children? How many?: None...

    Best Friend (s): I suppose you know who you are ^^

    Pets (names and what they are): A mixed cat called Sebastian..

    Job?: None yet Xx

    Schooling?: I wish I could say no -___-

    Car?: Nopey

    Play an Instrument?: Jepp.. acoustic guitar, but really wants an electric one xP

    Glasses or Contacts?: None of them.. I am supposed to have glasses, but I don't need them all the time...

    Jewelry?: Nope, not at all... I don't even own it Oo

    Tattoo?: Hmm if scars are a tattoo, then yeah...

    Makeup?: No...

    Zodiac Sign: Aries(Ram, YAY for the sheep xP)

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rabbit.. Hey who stole my carrot??!!


    Animal: Lion *growl*

    Color: Purple or black...

    Country: Peru... I knew it was something else.. but right now I can't remeber...

    State/Province: Hmm dose Asia count?? Oo

    Automobile: Hmm maybe Porsche.. or however that's spelled Xx

    Shoe: Nike.. or or fuzzy winter boots *suggles* ^^

    Number: 17... or 215 (dunno why)

    Food: Sukiyaki and Bambi Goreng.. x)

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Burger King.. and Chicken McNuggets..

    Musical Instrument: Laser Harp.. *wants one*

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Dr. Pepper ^^

    Season: Spring.. and Winter cuz snowball wars >P

    Actor: Sean Connery ^^ (the old version)

    Actress: Dakota Fanning... really good actor for her age x)

    Music Genre: Instrumentals..

    Singer: Enya, or Sinead O'Connor

    Band: Tangerin Dream, Green Day, Camel, and Enigma...

    Movie Genre: Animated, Action/adventure, and Sci-fiction..

    Movie: Besides TLK it would have to be Blade Runner, Star Wars and Indiana Jones..

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Han Solo..

    Villain in Movie: Darth Vader/Anakin

    Book Genre: Fantasy

    Book: The Lord of the Rings

    Author: J.J.R Tolkein

    Board Game: Jumanji

    Game Console: PC..

    Computer/Console Game: Morrowind >P, and The Longest Journey

    Sport: Hitchikeing (extreme sport >P)

    Activity (Besides Sports): Running up and down in stairs Xx

    Website: check my siggy *points down*

    Subject in School: Art and Science

    Store: Hmm any supermarked Xx

    Gum: Hmm dosen't really chew that.. just to save my breath xP

    Candy: Mint chokolate..

    Email or IM: IM... waaay better x)

    Phone or in person: hmm dosen't really matter

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internett..

    Flavor: Hmm licquorice

    Cats or Dogs: Cats *mew*

    Day or Night: A star lit night

    IM Service: MSN messager

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: No...

    Alcohol: Tasted... *eww*

    Cigarettes/Cigars: No way Xx

    Chew: nope..

    Cuss/Swear: Many times >P

    Lie: A long time ago... Oo

    Stole: No..

    Attempted Suicide: ehh no Xx

    Attempted Murder: Definitly not X___x

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: yep..

    Got in a fight, did you win: Haven't fought anyone Xx

    Been shot: nope..

    Want to go to college: Yup xP

    Had an imaginary friend: Once..

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: One time...

    Had D?j? Vu: A LOT... hmm this looks familiar Oo

    Gone skinny dipping?: nope..

    Walk around nude?: not at all...

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yeah it is..

    Ever fallen in love?: yeah I have x3

    If so, at what age?: 15 and 18

    How many times?: 2

    Ever been dumped?: not really..

    How many times?: 0

    Ever made out?: Nope..

    Ever had Sex?: no..

    Looks or Personality?: Personality x3

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Umm well I am not attrative to name that Xx

    Believe in love at first sight?: Hmm yeah... I think Oo

    Do you want to get married?: Would be nice though x3

    Define marriage and what it means to you: Well it's a nice way to bond a realtionship between too people ^^

    Do you want/have kids?: Yeah maybe ^^

    Boys name: Adrian..

    Girls name: Kayly..

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Tripped in my legs Xx

    Greatest thing you?ve done: I dunno Xx.. I haven't done anything that could be considerd great..

    Funniest thing you?ve done: Hmm Played Kovu's self made game >P

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: I don't hate anything Xx.. it's just a too strong word Xx

    Person/Place/Thing you love: Well that person know x3

    Country you hate besides your own: Like I said I don't hate things Xx

    Country you love besides your own: yet again I don't hate anything..

    Best feeling in the world: Love x3

    Worst feeling in the world: Depression..

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: I dunno what to believe Xx

    Do you believe in Abortion?: Yeah..

    Do you believe in Cloning?: yeah..

    Do you believe in Guns?: They do exsist Oo

    Do you believe in War?: it's pointless but it too exsist Xx

    Do you believe in Hunting?: Well it's bad but the again it too also exsists..

    Do you believe in Taxes?: Well where do my money go??!!

    Do you believe in Texas?: yeah... I do x)

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: yeah..

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Yeah look at Michale Jakson Oo

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Hmm that question is still not answered..

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: Don't really care..

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: I don't like Bush's politics..

    Do you believe in Heaven?: Hmm well like most humans I fear death in a small way..

    Do you believe in Hell?: Nah hell for some people, is here on earth...


    Hobbies: Drawing and stargazeing ^^

    Collections: Pokemon cards... and I forgot the reason why I used to collect them Xx

    Goals: No one at all...

    Dreams: Well live a long and generally happy life..

    Fears: Big muscles Oo *runs away screaming*

    Weaknesses: Naivness, and lack of self confidence Xx

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'm sorry, I just had to add that =P: Hmm yeah might agree there..

    Most common emotion: Happyness..

    Perfect Pizza: Pepperoni..

    What?s your favorite Memory: *sigh* x3

    Countries you?ve been to: USA, Denmark, Sweden and Crete..

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Wisconsin and Illinois..

    What pet would you like: Cat, or maybe a dog I dunno..

    Any additional information: Yeah I'm freezeing my butt off here Xx

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Well yeah it goes pretty fast if you have done it once

  11. #171
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    Your first name is Julie?

  12. #172
    You have your orders, soldier. Dare's Avatar
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    Ok, since someone's poking me, I'll post...been meaning to anyway just haven't found the time until today...



    First Name: I don?t want to say here?PM me if you really want to know. >.<
    Screen Name (s): they?re in my profile if you want ?em
    Email: ditto
    Nicknames?: too many to list here
    Birth date: December 31, 1980
    Gender: female
    Ethnic Background: Irish, German, Native American
    Eye Color: brown
    Hair Color: brown w/ red highlights
    Freckles: none
    Moles: none that I?m aware of
    Scars: some on my arms, shoulders and back
    Righty or Lefty?: born righty, trained ambidextrous
    Religion: ?Native American Shamanist" or reasonable facsimile
    Political Party: Democrat
    Country?: United States of America
    State/Province?: ?Jersey
    Marital Status?: currently not married, but in a long-term relationship
    Sexual Preference?: bi
    Parents Divorced?: yes
    Siblings? How many?: 1 sister, 1 stepbrother, 1 stepsister
    Children? How many?: none thus far
    Best Friend (s): they know who they are. :)
    Pets (names and what they are):
    Loki ? tabby cat
    Cicero and Caligula ? beta fish
    Job?: bookstore inventory grunt
    Schooling?: 4 years college
    Car?: Mercury Sable
    Play an Instrument?: I used to play the violin and piano, but I?ve given them up.
    Glasses or Contacts?: glasses
    Jewelry?: 3 earrings each ear, various necklaces
    Tattoo?: 3
    Makeup?: only on very special occasions
    Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Monkey


    Animal: sea turtle, penguin, goat
    Color: indigo, black, orange
    Country: haven?t visited enough to form an opinion
    State/Province: NY
    Automobile: none
    Shoe: none
    Number: 13, 22
    Food: buffalo chicken
    Fast Food Place and Food there: Burger King ? chicken sandwich
    Musical Instrument: piano
    Drink (not just alcoholic): Irish coffee
    Season: winter
    Actor: Anthony Hopkins
    Actress: Julia Roberts
    Music Genre: Rock, New-Age
    Singer: Tori Amos
    Band: Nightwish
    Movie Genre: horror, action
    Movie: Gone with the Wind
    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Resident Evil?s ?Alice?
    Villain in Movie: Hannibal Lector
    TV Show: NCIS, CSI, Bones, House
    Cartoon: Don?t watch ?em
    TV Characters: House
    Anime: NGE, Azumanga Daioh
    Anime Character: Pen-Pen
    Book: The Historian
    Author: Chuck Palahniuk
    Board Game: Chess, Mah Jongg
    Game Console: PS2
    Computer/Console Game: Any Final Fantasy game (with the exception of FF VII)
    Sport: ice hockey, football (aka soccer)
    Activity (Besides Sports): reading
    Subject in School: history
    Store: none
    Gum: none
    Candy: candy canes
    Email or IM: email
    Phone or in person: in person
    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet
    Flavor: watermelon
    Cats or Dogs: cats
    Day or Night: night
    IM Service: AIM

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: no
    Alcohol: yes
    Cigarettes/Cigars: I love my cigs *coughcough*
    Chew: no
    Cuss/Swear: every **** day XD
    Lie: on occasion
    Stole: yes
    Attempted Suicide: not yet
    Attempted Murder: not yet
    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: yes
    Got in a fight, did you win: yes
    Been shot: no
    Want to go to college: already went
    Had an imaginary friend: no
    Wanted to be the opposite sex: during a certain time of the month, yes
    Had D?j? Vu: yes
    Gone skinny dipping?: yes
    Walk around nude?: *knowing smirk*

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: who knows?
    Ever fallen in love?: yes
    If so, at what age?: all ?loves? before the age of 19 are considered null and void, so therefore?um?yeah 19.
    How many times?: once?like I said, any ?love? before I met AJ were serious lapses in judgment/sanity.
    Ever been dumped?: sort of?it was a mutual dump.
    How many times?: once
    Ever made out?: yes
    Ever had Sex?: yes
    Looks or Personality?: personality
    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: I guess I?m a little attractive. I dunno.

    Believe in love at first sight?: no
    Do you want to get married?: I suppose?some day?
    Define marriage and what it means to you:
    Marriage = a union between two loving people
    What it means to me = something I?m not ready for
    Do you want/have kids?: probably no
    Boys name: Joshua
    Girls name: Madison

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: ugh, it?s not appropriate for this board?
    Greatest thing you?ve done: graduated college with my sanity intact
    Funniest thing you?ve done: I don?t know?I don?t really ?do funny?
    Person/Place/Thing you hate: woman/child abusers, bigotry, hospitals
    Person/Place/Thing you love: my AJ, the Adirondacks
    Country you hate besides your own: not a big fan of Israel
    (disclaimer: I didn?t mean that in an Anti-Semite way?I have no problem with the Jewish people/ethnicity/religion)
    Country you love besides your own: Japan
    Best feeling in the world: having someone you admire recognize you exist
    Worst feeling in the world: guilt

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: I believe in a power higher than myself?dunno if that?s ?God? or whatever though
    Do you believe in Abortion?: in certain cases, yes
    Do you believe in Cloning?: to some extent, yes
    Do you believe in Guns?: yes (though I despise them)
    Do you believe in War?: to some extent, yes
    Do you believe in Hunting?: yes
    Do you believe in Taxes?: yes
    Do you believe in Texas?: no?it is a mythical state
    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: yes
    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: in some cases yes
    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: I don?t know?
    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: Eh?maybe?
    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: ugh, none.
    Do you believe in Heaven?: not really?not in the traditional sense at any rate
    Do you believe in Hell?: no


    Hobbies: drawing, reading
    Collections: shot glasses, key chains, turtle figurines
    Goals: find a better job
    Dreams: none
    Fears: losing my job, losing AJ, losing my friends, losing my mind?the list goes on
    Weaknesses: pessimism, temper, apparent emotional coldness
    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: *chuckles* I suppose. ;)
    Most common emotion: worry
    Perfect Pizza: buffalo chicken pizza w/ bleu cheese dressing
    What?s your favorite Memory: late night talks w/ my friends at college
    Countries you?ve been to: Japan, Italy, Canada, Mexico
    States/Provinces you?ve been to: you want me to list them all?!
    What pet would you like: I?m happy with my cat
    Any additional information: I don?t? think I can walk right now. X_x
    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: if I didn?t, would I have bothered filling this out?

    Providing Lea with quality curmudgeon and lurking services since 2004.
    Lea Felon: warned for the heinous crime of poking a badger with a spoon.

  13. #173
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    Originally posted by Azerane
    Wind is an unusual fear, do you mind if I ask why or what it is exactly about it that scares you?
    Big winds, not really just any wind. If its summer and very windy it scares me of fires. Being outside and its very windy I'm just scared if a falling tree limbs.

    I would hate to go to Queensland where they have cyclones

  14. #174
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Ahh ok, that's fair enough, fires and wind don't mix very well at all.
    That which you manifest is before you.

  15. #175
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    First Name: Boris Johnson, what do you think?
    Screen Name (s): More than I have cared to count.
    Email: (Google gets around doesnt it?)
    Nicknames?: Razrboi, Mr. Gates, etc....
    Birth date: 6 weeks early thanks to my mum who 'opened herself' at the wrong time.
    Gender: Male, as far as I know.
    Ethnic Background: God Knows. I know there is some English in me, maybe some Scottish, but who knows. I know I certainly don't
    Eye Color: Dark Green
    Hair Color: Dark Brown
    Freckles: None
    Moles: The Garden
    Scars: Yes, thanks to a stapler and being insanely bored in a maths lesson.
    Righty or Lefty?: Well, I have 2 hands.
    Religion: Not Religious, though my mum wants me to be which is annoying.
    Political Party: Don't get me started on politics. I fall asleep when Newsnight is on.
    Country?: A small island off the coast of France. Goes by the name of England.
    State/Province?: Erm, England.
    Marital Status?: Not married, technically not taken, but I do have my eye on someone.
    Sexual Preference?: Girls, the cute ones preferably.
    Parents Divorced?: Never married, don't give a **** either way.
    Siblings? How many?: More than I know about. I currently know about 4.
    Children? How many?: None, thankfully.
    Best Friend (s): Anyone else think this is a lame term from primary school?
    Pets (names and what they are): Still got the parrot bird flappy winged type thing.
    Job?: Scrounger
    Schooling?: Too much of it.
    Car?: Don;t own one, but i want a Mazda RX-8
    Play an Instrument?: Electric Guitar, but not very well. I can play the Eastenders theme tune, but only for comedic purposes.
    Glasses or Contacts?: Glasses, even though they are bloody annoying when they get dirty.
    Jewelry?: None
    Tattoo?: Nope
    Makeup?: Only for a laugh. Went into school with the full works on to raise ?50 for Comic Relief in 2004.
    Zodiac Sign: Gemini
    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Snake


    Animal: Penguin, Tiger, Meerkat.
    Color: Yellow and Blue (How contrasting)
    Country: Turkey, Spain, England
    State/Province: Wanna see New York, but it's a long way off for me yet.
    Automobile: Mazda RX-8
    Shoe: Mine
    Number: 1, cos I like being first
    Food: Pizza's good
    Fast Food Place and Food there: Subway - Subway sandwich.
    Musical Instrument: Flute. Tis so carming and peaceful and handy to poke someone with from a distance.
    Drink (not just alcoholic): Tesco Cola.
    Season: Spring.
    Actor: Tom Hanks, though Raplh Finnes kicked arse in The Constant Gardener.
    Actress: Rachel Weizz
    Music Genre: Rock, Hip-Hop (Fort Minor owns you), Rap, some other stuff. Ska's cool too.
    Singer: None in particular
    Band: Like a lot of them, Green Day, Linkin Park, Evanescence, Fort Minor, there's too many of them.
    Movie Genre: Horror, Action, Thriller
    Movie: The Amityville Horror (Remake), Matrix Trilogy, The COnstant Gardener to name a few.
    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Bruce Willis in Die Hard.
    Villain in Movie: Death in the Final Destination franchise.
    TV Show: Have I Got News For You, Absolutely Fabulous, 24.
    Cartoon: Not for me thanks.
    TV Characters: Jack Bauer.
    Anime: Not into that.
    Anime Character: N/A
    Book: Tempted to say Tom Clancy's Rainbox Six. It kicks *** so far.
    Author: Tom Clancy, Robert Ludlum, Dan Brown
    Board Game: Blackjack.
    Game Console: PC
    Computer/Console Game: Half Life 2
    Sport: Golf O_o
    Activity (Besides Sports): Sleeping, Reading (Don't do much of it though. Reading, that is)
    Subject in School: ICT or Economics & Business
    Store: Tesco (Ah, the convenience)
    Gum: Don't like chewing part of a cow, thanks.
    Candy: I prefer to call it CHOCOLATE
    Email or IM: Both have their advantages.
    Phone or in person: Phone, cos you can verbally abuse someone easier
    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet
    Flavor: Bubble Bath
    Cats or Dogs: Cats
    Day or Night: night
    IM Service: Yahoo

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: No
    Alcohol: A couple of times.
    Cigarettes/Cigars: Once, not my thing.
    Chew: Only food.
    Cuss/Swear: Too much.
    Lie: No. <---- Lie
    Stole: Yes, a couple of times.
    Attempted Suicide: Nope
    Attempted Murder: Well I had to restrain myself from hitting my Graphics Teacher in Year 11.
    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Yes
    Got in a fight, did you win: Yes, and Yes. Probabally had something to do with the handily place car exhaust.
    Been shot: With a paintball gun. It bloody hurt cos it hit me right in the stomach (No padding you see, just a t-shirt. My mate's idea as a joke)
    Want to go to college: Not really, you can't really call my local building a college. I think the term 'public toilet' suits it better.
    Had an imaginary friend: Probabally when I was like 5.
    Wanted to be the opposite sex: Nope
    Had D?j? Vu: Too much of it.
    Gone skinny dipping?: Nope
    Walk around nude?: Only to get a towel after a shower.

  16. #176
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    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: I would say so, yeah.
    Ever fallen in love?: Yes.
    If so, at what age?: 16
    How many times?: Twice, I would say.
    Ever been dumped?: Yes.
    How many times?: Once
    Ever made out?: Nope
    Ever had Sex?: Nope
    Looks or Personality?: Both are important to me.
    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: No comment.

    Believe in love at first sight?: Dunno
    Do you want to get married?: It would be nice.
    Define marriage and what it means to you: A huge booze up and 2 weeks of constant sex in an exotic location after the service.
    Do you want/have kids?: God knows.
    Boys name: Boris
    Girls name: Borisina? O_o

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Swallowed a hands free kit while it was attached to my phone, trapped my tongue in a microphone, stapled my finger with a stapler, I could go on....
    Greatest thing you?ve done: Fallen down an escalator. I didn't hit the floor for 10 minutes.
    Funniest thing you?ve done: Probabally hit someone who looks like a hamster.
    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Person: probabally my old Graphics Teacher. Place: Area where I used to live. Thing: When fast food shops don't change the oil after like 12 months.
    Person/Place/Thing you love: Person: I think they know who they are. Place: My bed. Thing: Shoes.
    Country you hate besides your own: Wales.
    Country you love besides your own: Japan, you gotta love the technology and gadgets.
    Best feeling in the world: Knowing that there is someone in this world who loves you more than anything.
    Worst feeling in the world: Finding out that they don't really, and they want to flush your head down a toilet and let rats feed on it for 5 years.

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Not really. I'm a believer in the concept of "things happen for a reason, whatever that reason may be"
    Do you believe in Abortion?: Only in certain circumstances.
    Do you believe in Cloning?: To assist medical research, yeah. But not for some lottery winner's expense cos he needs a way to blow a couple of million.
    Do you believe in Guns?: Yeah, cos if i didn't then half the films I like wouldn't exist.
    Do you believe in War?: Just Wars and Wars with a legitimate reason behind them.
    Do you believe in Hunting?: Never really thought about it.
    Do you believe in Taxes?: We have to, don't we?
    Do you believe in Texas?: I try not to.
    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yes
    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Yes, but only in certain cases, like when someone has been set fire too for no purpose or to heal the wounds of war.
    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Don't Know, and I don't really care to be honest.
    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: See above.
    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: None. I don't care for UK politics, never mind American.
    Do you believe in Heaven?: I think there is something after death, yeah. But whether it is called Heaven I don't know. I gguess i won't know until i'm there.
    Do you believe in Hell?: I don't think there is a bad side to the afterlife, no.


    Hobbies: Filling out pointless questionaires, watching films, blowing things up, stuff like that.
    Collections: Mobile Phones. I have like 7 of them O_o
    Goals: I'll see what I can do with my life first
    Dreams: Too rude for here.
    Fears: Boris Johnson
    Weaknesses: The cold, cute girls, and the promise of a box of matches.
    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: He's a handsome guy, yeah.
    Most common emotion: Despair
    Perfect Pizza: Just a Cheese and Tomato is enough for me, I don't like all this other fancy stuff which you can have on it.
    What?s your favorite Memory: Love
    Countries you?ve been to: Turkey, Spain, England
    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Havn't been to America, yet.
    What pet would you like: A cobra
    Any additional information: I have cramp in my right foot and pins and needles in my left testicle (and it bloody hurts)
    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Not really, though I think this one is the first time i have taken one seriously.

  17. #177
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    First Name: Andreas
    Screen Name (s): Ravincal, AzZa^
    Nicknames?: Rav, Ravvie
    Birth date: 12/08/1990
    Gender: Male
    Ethnic Background: Pure danish! A little Belgium FAR out in the family
    Eye Color: Sky blue
    Hair Color: Black (natural)
    Freckles: None
    Moles: Err. Alot in the garden!
    Scars: Yep! Been doing too many stunts with my crazy friends ^^
    Righty or Lefty?: Righty
    Religion: Agnostic
    Political Party: ZzZzZ
    Country?: Denmark!!!
    Marital Status?: Not married, but I'm taken!
    Sexual Preference?: Girls!! :P
    Parents Divorced?: Yes
    Siblings? How many?: 3
    Children? How many?: None! Thank god no-one.. YET!
    Best Friend (s): TL, Mino and Dan-Philip (IRL friend)
    Pets (names and what they are): Happy (favourite cat), Leta (cat), Tequila (cat), Kisja (dog), Blade (bird)
    Job?: Working in a mall
    Schooling?: Student
    Car?: None yet! But saving up for the Dodge Viper! J/K
    Play an Instrument?: No
    Glasses or Contacts?: Don't have any.. But will soon get reading-glasses
    Jewelry?: Necklace
    Tattoo?: None
    Makeup?: Thank god no!
    Zodiac Sign: Leo

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Lion


    Animal: Cat

    Color: Blue

    Country: Australia

    State/Province: U.S (or whatever )

    Automobile: Dogde Viper or Ferrai

    Shoe: Jack&Jones

    Number: 5

    Food: Pizza!

    Fast Food Place and Food there: McDonalds - Big Mac Menu

    Musical Instrument: Guitar (Electrical - NO ACOUSTIC)

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Bailey, J?germeister, Smirnoff and Soda!

    Season: Summer

    Actor: Harrison Ford and Mads Mikkelsen (danish actor)

    Actress: Lindy Booth

    Music Genre: Hard Rock

    Singer: Enya

    Band: Drowning Pool, Hoobastank

    Movie Genre: Action, Horror

    Movie: The Day After Tomorrow

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Legolas from LOTR

    Villain in Movie: Alice from Resident Evil

    Book Genre: Horror!

    Book: No idea... Hate reading :P

    Author: Hmm..

    Board Game: Trivial Pursuit!

    Game Console: Playstation

    Computer/Console Game: Doom 3

    Sport: Batminton

    Activity (Besides Sports): Jogging


    Subject in School: English

    Store: Clothing stores!

    Gum: Stimorol

    Candy: EVERYTHING :P
    Email or IM:
    Phone or in person: In person
    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet
    Flavor: Hmm
    Cats or Dogs: Cats!
    Day or Night: Night

    IM Service:

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: No

    Alcohol: Yes

    Cigarettes/Cigars: Yes cigarettes

    Chew: No

    Cuss/Swear: Alot :P

    Lie: Hmm happens..

    Stole: Never

    Attempted Suicide: NEVER!

    Attempted Murder: NEVER!

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: In 4 days, getting my ribs broken..

    Got in a fight, did you win: Alot of times.. Too much that I want to count

    Been shot: No

    Want to go to college: Yea

    Had an imaginary friend: No

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: NO

    Had D?j? Vu: Alot!

    Gone skinny dipping?: No

    Walk around nude?: After a shower

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yes!

    Ever fallen in love?: Yes.. Too many times

    If so, at what age?: Hmm first it was at a age of 10

    How many times?: A couple of times

    Ever been dumped?: Yes

    How many times?: Too many.. 5-6 times

    Ever made out?: No

    Ever had Sex?: No

    Looks or Personality?: Personality

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: ... Err.. Peoples own decision

  18. #178
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    Believe in love at first sight?: Depends..

    Do you want to get married?: Of course

    Define marriage and what it means to you: Marriage... The union of 2? :S
    I don't know what it would mean to me

    Do you want/have kids?: Yes

    Boys name: Hmm!! Haven't thought about it

    Girls name: Hmm!! Haven't thought about it

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Hitted myself with a bicycle wheel.. GAH

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Saving a guys life

    Funniest thing you?ve done: Stand-up comic at my school.. went good

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Michael/Battlefield/MICE (Phobia)
    Person/Place/Thing you love: Utora/Gun shops/Everything about my Utora
    Country you hate besides your own: None

    Country you love besides your own: Sweden and U.S

    Best feeling in the world: To be loved

    Worst feeling in the world: To be alone

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: No

    Do you believe in Abortion?: No

    Do you believe in Cloning?: Yes

    Do you believe in Guns?: Yes

    Do you believe in War?: Yes

    Do you believe in Hunting?: Yes

    Do you believe in Taxes?: Yes

    Do you believe in Texas?: Yes

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: No/Yes

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: No

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: No idea

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: No

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Kerry

    Do you believe in Heaven?: Yes

    Do you believe in Hell?: Yes


    Hobbies: None atm

    Collections: TLK stuff (Not much, but it's a start)

    Goals: To die/live for my country

    Dreams: To be with my Utora

    Fears: Losing her

    Weaknesses: Being lied to

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'm sorry, I just had to add that =P: Holy ****?

    Most common emotion: Happiness

    Perfect Pizza: OOOOH!!!! Salate pizza! Too much stuff on it.. Will take ages to write

    What?s your favorite Memory: Err.. Can't remember atm

    Countries you?ve been to: Spain, Germany, France, Austria, Sweden, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Alot!!

    What pet would you like: A tiger or a big lion (tame)

    Any additional information: My rib hurts.. I dno why... Just glad it will be over soon!

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Sometimes.. depends on the mood

  19. #179
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    I guess i can do it again x)


    First Name: John

    Screen Name (s): TakaTiger
    Nicknames?: TT, Taka, Takkie

    Birth date: 06/25/1987
    Gender: Male

    Ethnic Background: White, Hungarian Decent
    Eye Color: Brown

    Hair Color: Black (but really brown)

    Freckles: None

    Moles: None

    Scars: Many

    Righty or Lefty?: Righty

    Religion: Atheist

    Political Party: None

    Country?: USA

    State/Province?: Virginia

    Marital Status?: Taken

    Sexual Preference?: Female's

    Parents Divorced?: No

    Siblings? How many?: 1 sister

    Children? How many?: Nope

    Best Friend (s): Im not sure oO

    Pets (names and what they are): too lazy to name them

    Job?: Kennel Tech at a Vet

    Schooling?: High School

    Car?: None

    Play an Instrument?: Kind of Guitar

    Glasses or Contacts?: Glasses

    Jewelry?: A couple necklaces

    Tattoo?: None

    Makeup?: None

    Zodiac Sign: Cancer

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rabbit >.>


    Animal: Liger

    Color: Black

    Country: I dunno

    State/Province: North Carolina

    Automobile: BMW

    Shoe: Skater shoes... there comfey =3

    Number: 17

    Food: Spaghetti

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Checkers

    Musical Instrument: Gitfiddle (geetar)

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Dr. Pepper

    Season: Summer

    Actor: Jon Cleese
    Actress: None

    Music Genre: Metal, Classic rock

    Singer: Arjen Anthony Lucassen

    Band: Ayreon

    Movie Genre: Horror/Comedy

    Movie: The Lion King

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Scar!

    Villain in Movie: Simba

    Book Genre: None ^^;

    Book: The Art Of Being A Lion

    Author: ehhhh

    Board Game: Sorry!

    Game Console: Computer

    Computer/Console Game: Vampire The Masqueraid: Redemption

    Sport: Channel Surfing

    Activity (Besides Sports): Drawing


    Subject in School: Not in school

    Store: Kittyhawk Kites

    Gum: Meh, once in a blue moon

    Candy: Snickers!

    Email or IM: IM

    Phone or in person: Person

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet

    Flavor: Orange

    Cats or Dogs: Cats

    Day or Night: Night

    IM Service: MSN

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: Yes

    Alcohol: Yes

    Cigarettes/Cigars: Yes

    Chew: No

    Cuss/Swear: Yes

    Lie: Yes

    Stole: Yes

    Attempted Suicide: No

    Attempted Murder: No

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Yes

    Got in a fight, did you win: No/No

    Been shot: No

    Want to go to college: No

    Had an imaginary friend: No

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: No

    Had D?j? Vu: This seems Famillar

    Gone skinny dipping?: only when in the shower

    Walk around nude?: .... Maby >.>

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yes

    Ever fallen in love?: Yes

    If so, at what age?: 18

    How many times?: 2x

    Ever been dumped?: No

    How many times?: -

    Ever made out?: No

    Ever had Sex?: No

    Looks or Personality?: Personality

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Oogly

    Believe in love at first sight?: No

    Do you want to get married?: Possably

    Define marriage and what it means to you: Not Sure

    Do you want/have kids?: Hellllllllllllll no! I want no meatsacks running around my house >.>

    Boys name: Sabastion

    Girls name: Sasha

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Too many things

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Nothing

    Funniest thing you?ve done: Ran around shirtless in the snow whilst at school

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: n00bs\Where i live\ ehh

    Person/Place/Thing you love: Erin(Broken)/My Spot In The Woods/ Music!

    Country you hate besides your own: ummmmmmmmmmmmmm... i dunno

    Country you love besides your own: Canada!

    Best feeling in the world: Happyness

    Worst feeling in the world: lonleyness

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: No

    Do you believe in Abortion?: Up to the woman

    Do you believe in Cloning?: I dont care

    Do you believe in Guns?: Yes

    Do you believe in War?: No

    Do you believe in Hunting?: No

    Do you believe in Taxes?: No

    Do you believe in Texas?: It is a state

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: yes

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Sure, if you want

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: i Dunno

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: Yes

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Marshmellows

    Do you believe in Heaven?: No

    Do you believe in Hell?: No


    Hobbies: Drawing/ Music

    Collections: Plushies

    Goals: Move to Pennsylvania

    Dreams: To breed big cats

    Fears: High Wind

    Weaknesses: Soda

    Most common emotion: Hakuna Matata/Boredom

    Perfect Pizza: All Pizzy is perfect

    What?s your favorite Memory: My First CD

    Countries you?ve been to: USA

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Maryland, North Carolina, New York, Delaware

    What pet would you like: Liger

    Any additional information: I drink alot of soda

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: meh, they pass time

  20. #180
    Senior Member This Land's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    0 Post(s)

    First Name: Adam

    Screen Name (s):This Land
    Nicknames?:TL, Landy, Simba,

    Birth date: 20/01/89
    Gender: Male

    Ethnic Background: White British
    Eye Color: greeen

    Hair Color: Ginger/Brown

    Freckles: yup

    Moles: nope

    Scars: slight one

    Righty or Lefty?: Right

    Religion: Agnostic

    Political Party: I dont do politics :P

    Country?: England


    Marital Status?: Single

    Sexual Preference?: Straight

    Parents Divorced?: yup

    Siblings? How many?: 1 Older Bro

    Children? How many?: 0

    Best Friend (s): Offline - Steven, Jason, Daniel, Online - All of ya

    Pets (names and what they are):

    Job?: soon

    Schooling?: quiting


    Play an Instrument?: Keyboard

    Glasses or Contacts?: My Eyes




    Zodiac Sign:

    Chinese Zodiac Sign:


    Animal: Dogs, Hampsters, Snakes, Lions

    Color: Black

    Country: New Zealand


    Automobile: Honda CBR 125


    Number: 798 lol

    Food: chicken

    Fast Food Place and Food there: local chippy

    Musical Instrument:KJeyboard

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Stella

    Season: Autum (fall)

    Actor: dunno

    Actress: dunno

    Music Genre: All kinds

    Singer: dunno

    Band: duno

    Movie Genre: Depends on how good the story is

    Movie: TLK

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: dunno

    Villain in Movie: dunno

    Book Genre: Whats a book?



    Board Game: Checkers

    Game Console: XBOX / PC

    Computer/Console Game: Halo

    Sport: Swimming

    Activity (Besides Sports): Rock climbing

    Website: too Many

    Subject in School: *is sick*

    Store: Any Computer hardware store

    Gum: Spearmint

    Candy: Lion bar

    Email or IM:?????

    Phone or in person:????

    TV or Radio or Internet: dunno

    Flavor: Barbecue

    Cats or Dogs: Doggies

    Day or Night: Evening

    IM Service: Msn

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: Yeah, But thats gone and forgotten

    Alcohol: Yup

    Cigarettes/Cigars: Did But dont


    Cuss/Swear:who doesnt

    Lie: Not to my friends and family

    Stole: Yer

    Attempted Suicide: thought of, but never attempted

    Attempted Murder:

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Yup, spine, arm, leg

    Got in a fight, did you win: Yup, Just

    Been shot:

    Want to go to college: *is sick again*

    Had an imaginary friend: Nah

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: nope

    Had D?j? Vu: all the time

    Gone skinny dipping?:???

    Walk around nude?: Have no idea

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yup, when it wants to be

    Ever fallen in love?: Yup

    If so, at what age?:13 and 15/16

    How many times?:4

    Ever been dumped?:yeah

    How many times?:4

    Ever made out?:Yeah

    Ever had Sex?: Nope

    Looks or Personality?: Personaltiy

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: You decide

    Believe in love at first sight?: Hasnt happened to me yet so i dont really know

    Do you want to get married?: When i get older and less active

    Define marriage and what it means to you:---

    Do you want/have kids?: I dont really Know

    Boys name:

    Girls name:

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done (a serious stupidity): Drugs

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Dunno

    Funniest thing you?ve done: I cant remeber

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Assignments

    Person/Place/Thing you love: Computer, PDA

    Country you hate besides your own: I may insult people if i said, they may just live there

    Country you love besides your own: New zealand

    Best feeling in the world: Love, Accomplishment.

    Worst feeling in the world: Guilt

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Im Agnostic

    Do you believe in Abortion?: If The child is not going to have any quality of life or will be in pain, then yeah.

    Do you believe in Cloning?:Fruit, veg yeah, animals, no

    Do you believe in Guns?: Yup

    Do you believe in War?: No

    Do you believe in Hunting?: Food Yeah, Sport No

    Do you believe in Taxes?:??

    Do you believe in Texas?:??

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yep, all people of different sexualality should have same rights.

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Its their money they are wasting

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?:---

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?:No

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?:----

    Do you believe in Heaven?:yes

    Do you believe in Hell?:yes


    Hobbies: Computers, Motorbikes, instruments

    Collections: Crystals,



    Fears: Worst Case scenario

    Weaknesses: Very Soft Hearted, Emotional

    Most common emotion: Happy

    Perfect Pizza: Triple Chicken

    What?s your favorite Memory: Visiting New zealand

    Countries you?ve been to: everywhere

    States/Provinces you?ve been to:

    What pet would you like: Dog

    Any additional information:

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires:

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