Quote Originally Posted by Sadiki View Post
Now I don't think I saw anybody being for staying with Vbulletin which I personally prefer due the fact that at least I can get around it and have easy time finding information how to do things on as we already bought the membership on it. Now I haven't really research how much it would cost to move it to another server as after creating this thread I saw how strongly people feel about the Vb. Now I would like to point out that none of our problems have ever been directly a fault of using Vb. First the database got corrupted due Mufasa updating his version of Vbulletin without backing up. Yes partly the problem was Vbulletin, but more carelessness. Second the forum went poof as we out sourced and had some random person running the forum. And now the server has been a bigger issue as well as the fact that I never been informed when there is going to be a change on the server. Thought I know I have been quite bad about creating back ups, but I was told the forum backsup itself every 2 weeks. Now what happened in september I have no idea, what I heard was that when Vbulletin was installed it chose the backup that was created during the hacking instead of the newest one and it was realized too long after server was already moved due the problem in server protocol.
I can't speak for anyone else, but as for myself...I don't think vBulletin is the main issue, at least not software wise.
The problem is what it takes to have a reliable vBulletin forum running - the things behind the scenes, whether it's software updates, money, or a reliable maintenance crew.
You want to have a stable vBulletin board, you need to have the support for it - a reliable server (which will cost someone, somewhere, money...unless you want Lea to be a parasite), accessible tech support (someone who gets back to you within a couple of days, not a couple of months), updated software and patches, etc.

In short, I don't think the problem is the vBulletin software. The problem is maintaining the resources for vBulletin.
I hope that makes sense.

As for Proboards:
I'm not saying that Proboards is perfect - I've frequented several and even ran one for 8 years and there have been some issues, but in those 8 years I can't recall anything that would even come close to what Lea's been through. The best part about it was that I didn't have to worry about maintaining databases, I didn't have to worry about servers, I didn't have to worry about keeping my forum software updated, - Proboards took care of all of that, and if something glitched, a support team was a mere email/forum post away.

But now I feel as though I've talked about Proboards ad nauseum. In the end, I don't really care where Lea ends up, as long as it's somewhere stable...which, considering Lea's history, is probably a pipe dream. Seriously guys, I think this forum is cursed. Maybe we should sacrifice a virgin or something?