I just mentioned it again.

And he just says, that "over here" it's normal when only 1 name is on the envelope, and you are together with someone, you just take that person.
Seems people in Antwerp aren't being brought up with rules on how to be nice to other people.
(people in Antwerp do tend to have this big-air-mentality, much more then other Belgians, lol)

Well, I'm already running images through my head, arriving there, and no seat for me.

Then he got mad, and tells me I shouldn't be jealous of him, because he has friends and I don't.
Well, excuse me, but I'd rather have no friends at all, then the 2 friends he has, who are worthless and only take advantage of him, and don't seem to include me in his life.
(not counting my online friends, I know I can count on those, but I was talking in real life)

I'm going though, I just decided.
I wanna see the look on the bride's face when I show up!
God knows she doesn't like me, and God knows I hate her!!
She has been VERY rude to me in the past, which caused a HUGE fight between me and Kenny, so I actually really don't wanna go to this wedding (and also, I hate weddings in general), but I'll just be going to spite her!