ah all those lovestories, i love to read them. especially the one from Audra and Petteri. thats because their story inspires me.

im very young but i feel like Audra's story is happening with me aswell. Ah well, i think its all because of my puberty. As some know my story is about Ragoom (duh) and he lives in Wales.

My chance to meet him was smashed by my dad who said England is too expencive. It was like my dream was thorned (ore something) ah well. i do agree with the fact (like my family says) that Ian (ragoom) should visit me first. I think it's kinda of an tradition here in my family oO

Anyways it all began in this year, the very first beginning of my new schoolyear. 2th grade of High School and my relationship with an ex-member from lea grew bigger. Eventually Jonas (the guy im talking about) introduced me to Ian's (now EX) friend. Gareth that was. And after a while Gareth introduced me to Ian. And from the moment i spoke to Ian we both felt different. And after i saw him i totally fell in love with him. And all that time i didnt knew that he felt thesame. Until that day.

I was at my best friend's place (after a few weeks i met ian) and i checked my mailbox on her computer an saw a mail from Jonas, he had something to tell me. Ofcourse he already knew that i had a crush on ian. and so i came on msn and Jonas showed me this conversation he and ian had that same day. When i read that ian explained Jonas that he loved me too. My friend just hugged me all day long. She was like Hyper oO

and that evening me, jonas, ian, gareth and Pawsy (paws of hope here) were in this multiconvo. I'll never forget how ian and i officially got together. Jonas told ian (when i was offline) that i loved him. And when we spoke to eachother for the first time after that we were so nervous. it was just creepy. but then we told eachother and pawsy had the honour to annouce it : p "so, are you two boyfriend and girlfriend now?" ill never forget Pawsy saying that. and then ian asked, it was the best moment of my life.

After a few months ore so ian broke up with me. I wish not to talk about that but it was useless (as he can say it) because he loved me all that time but it was new for him that we had a long-distance relationship. i was used to it, i've had 2 other boyfriends online before ian. but that was so wrong of me.
anyways after a while ian and i got back together again and since 25 july we are 7 months together. and now i'm aiming for the whole year