Trichotillomania is defined by some people as an impulse-control disorder and by others as a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Although it's defined as a psychological problem, this doesn't mean a sufferer is 'mad'. Research has shown that, apart from their habit, people with trichotillomania have a healthy psyche. But it may be associated with depression, anxiety and other problems.

Trichotillomania is quite common - affecting at least two per cent of the population - and mostly starts around puberty or early adulthood. The person usually pulls out hair from the scalp or face (eyelashes or eyebrows) because it's easily accessible, but may pull out body hair, too. People often start by pulling out damaged hairs to relieve an itch or a follicle, but as the habit progresses they may lose any reason for it.
I thought I'd post about this because it affects so many of us and yet is a relatively unknown problem. This isn't just for randomness' sake, I suffer from it. Thought it was worth putting in here rather than the Emo Thread because no-one actually looks in there unless the poster is popular.

I've suffered this for nigh-on 6 years now (since year 10) and I can't stop it. It started out as a perfectionist thing (take out a hair that makes my hair parting unequal) but now its turned into a full flung thing that I find extremely hard to resist. In the past, I have actually had bald patches on top of my head twice and my scalp has bled. I currently have a large patch of hair missing from my back left side. Its regrowing but this is the third time that side has almost gone bald and the regrown is pretty thin on the ground.

This is not meant to be an emo thread really, just a shout out to anyone that knows of this condition plus input from me.
(PM me if anyone has got any personal questions for me)