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Thread: Tell Us About Yourself

  1. #201
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    Re: Tell Us About Yourself

    First Name: Kalahari

    Screen Name (s): Kalahari, Aspic Viper, Kalahari Meerkat
    Email: imperial
    Nicknames?: Kali, Aspic,

    Birth date: 02/17/87
    Gender: Female

    Ethnic Background: Don't know. I was adopted. Causasian?
    Eye Color: Blue

    Hair Color: Brown

    Scars: Lots

    Righty or Lefty?: Right handed

    Religion: Catholoc

    Country?: USA

    State/Province?: Ohio

    Marital Status?: Single forever

    Parents Divorced?: No.

    Siblings? How many?: 3 Older brothers

    Children? How many?: I will never marry

    Best Friend (s): Zero

    Pets (names and what they are): Too many to list

    Job?: Don't have a job currenlty. I did clean up horse poo in excahnage for riding lessons once. I quit though becuase the lady was taking advantage of me and wanting me to clean up her house and stuff.

    Schooling?: Still in High School.

    Car?: Don't drive.

    Play an Instrument?: No

    Glasses or Contacts?: No

    Jewelry?: No

    Tattoo?: Will get several as soon as I move out

    Makeup?: Never

    Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Tiger


    Animal: Meerkat

    Color: Green

    Country: South Africa

    State/Province: California

    Automobile: Jaguar

    Shoe: Barefoot

    Food: Veggie burgars

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Don't like eating out

    Season: Summer

    Music Genre: Rock/Metal

    Singer: Enimen

    Band: Offspring

    Movie Genre: Sci-fi

    Movie: Titan A.E.

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Dude from Titan A.E.

    Book Genre: College text book?

    Book: Plage Dogs

    Author: Mcgraw Hill?

    Board Game: None

    Game Console: PC

    Computer/Console Game: Zoo Tycoon 2

    Sport: I don't like sports

    Activity (Besides Sports): Customizing My Little ponies, collecting stuff, making stuff on PowerPoint,

    Subject in School: Zoology

    Store: Michel's or Hobby Lobby

    Gum: Fruit Stripes

    Candy: Chocolate

    Phone or in person: In Person

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet

    Flavor: Chocolate chip

    Cats or Dogs: Neither

    Day or Night: Day

    IM Service: Don't have instant messaging. Slows down coumputer.

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: Does Ritilan count? I was forced to take it at five.

    Alcohol: No.

    Cigarettes/Cigars: They're tested on animals so I wouldn't dream of buying them.

    Chew: The nastiest of the three of them.

    Cuss/Swear: All the time. I cuss like a drunken sailor.

    Lie: Sometimes

    Stole: When I was a kid.

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Yes. When I was four I fell out of the car and broke my arm.

    Got in a fight, did you win: Yes. No one can ever loose a physical fight against me. I can take down grown men.

    Want to go to college: Not really but I have to if I want to go to vet school.

    Had an imaginary friend: Yes.
    -Love Life-

    Ever fallen in love?: Yes

    If so, at what age?: Can't remember.

    How many times?: Once

    Looks or Personality?: Personality

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Attractive

    Believe in love at first sight?: Yes

    Do you want to get married?: No.

    Define marriage and what it means to you: I do not want to get married so it does not matter.

    Do you want/have kids?: No.

    Boys name: Cale

    Girls name: Electra or Sahara


    Hobbies: Customizing My Little Ponies

    Collections: Meerkats, My Little Pony, Lion King

    Goals: To become a zoological medicine specialist

    Dreams: To become a zoological medicine specialist

    Fears: That one of my animal rights demonstrations puts me in jail, having a misunderstanding with a police officer who dosen't understand Asperger's Syndrome and being arrested because of it,

    Weaknesses: Too headstrong

    Most common emotion: Hate/Rage

    Perfect Pizza: Vegan pizza

    What?s your favorite Memory: I have too many bad ones to have a favorite.

    Countries you?ve been to: Never left the US.

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Kentucky, Tennessee, Virgina, Indiana, Illinois, Arkansas...

    What pet would you like: Tiger. Or something powerful and dangerous.

  2. #202
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    First Name: Andy

    Screen Name (s): Monai, arctic_andy
    Nicknames?: None

    Birth date: 9th July 1993
    Gender: Male

    Ethnic Background: English, Irish
    Eye Color: Green

    Hair Color: Brown

    Freckles: Not many.

    Moles: Not many.

    Scars: Nope.

    Righty or Lefty?: Righty

    Religion: Agnostic

    Political Party: Liberal Democrats

    Country?: UK

    State/Province?: Cheshire, England

    Marital Status?: Single.

    Sexual Preference?: Bi.

    Parents Divorced?: I don't know my dad, so whether they ever were married eludes me.

    Siblings? How many?: None

    Children? How many?: None

    Best Friend (s): Offline - Alex, Flick, Jess, James, James, Jen
    Online, quite a few.

    Pets (names and what they are): I have a dog called Misty.

    Job?: Student

    Schooling?: Currently in Sts. Peter and Paul RC High School.

    Car?: None

    Play an Instrument?: Nope.

    Glasses or Contacts?: Neither.

    Jewelry?: None

    Tattoo?: Never!

    Makeup?: No.

    Zodiac Sign: Cancer

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rooster


    Animal: Lion XD

    Color: Blue

    Country: Anywhere but the UK, lol.

    State/Province: Don't know.

    Automobile: Meh, I don't really care.

    Shoe: Trainers.

    Number: 9

    Food: Pizza.

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Subway, Meatball Marinara sub

    Musical Instrument: Guitar

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Coca Cola

    Season: Autumn

    Actor: -

    Actress: -

    Music Genre: Alternative

    Singer: Get Cape, Wear Cape, Fly

    Band: Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, Death Cab for Cutie

    Movie Genre: Comedy/Animation

    Movie: The Lion King

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Simba :P

    Villain in Movie: Scar.

    Book Genre: -

    Book: Invisible Monsters

    Author: Chuck Palahniuk

    Board Game: Monopoly, or Cluedo.

    Game Console: PS2

    Computer/Console Game: Simpsons Hit 'n' Run

    Sport: I suck at all of them, why bother? xD

    Activity (Besides Sports): -

    Website: Lea Halalela

    Subject in School: French.

    Store: Woolworths.

    Gum: Extra.

    Candy: Candy Floss XD

    Email or IM: IM

    Phone or in person: In person

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet

    Flavor: Strawberry, possibly vanilla as well

    Cats or Dogs: Dogs

    Day or Night: Night

    IM Service: MSN.

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: Nope.

    Alcohol: No.

    Cigarettes/Cigars: Nope.

    Chew: Nah.

    Cuss/Swear: Far too often, I'm afraid.

    Lie: To say no would be a lie.

    Stole: I thought it was free, goddamnit. They shouldn't leave those magazines out on hotel desks.

    Attempted Suicide: No.

    Attempted Murder: No.

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Nope.

    Got in a fight, did you win: Yes.

    Been shot: No.

    Want to go to college: Yeah.

    Had an imaginary friend: No.

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: I did at one point XD

    Had D?j? Vu: omg. deja vu.

    Gone skinny dipping?: No...

    Walk around nude?: Sometimes.

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Possibly.

    Ever fallen in love?: If you can call it love.

    If so, at what age?: 7 xD

    How many times?: [read above statement]

    Ever been dumped?: Once...

    How many times?: [read above statement]

    Ever made out?: Nope.

    Ever had Sex?: No...

    Looks or Personality?: Both.

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Ugly XD

    Believe in love at first sight?: Nope.

    Do you want to get married?: Nope.

    Define marriage and what it means to you: The union of two people who love each other. XD

    Do you want/have kids?: No.

    Boys name: Robert

    Girls name: Lucy

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: I have a looooooong list. XD

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Uhm, don't think I've done much that's great...

    Funniest thing you?ve done: That wretched dance. And walk into a lightbulb. These go for stupidest as well.

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: School XD

    Person/Place/Thing you love: --

    Country you hate besides your own: None...

    Country you love besides your own: Canada!

    Best feeling in the world: Uhm... XD

    Worst feeling in the world: Uhm... XD

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: No.

    Do you believe in Abortion?: Depends, sort of, but if I had to choose, I'm probably aligned towards pro-choice.

    Do you believe in Cloning?: Yes.

    Do you believe in Guns?: Using them, no.

    Do you believe in War?: No.

    Do you believe in Hunting?: For survival, yes. For trophies, no.

    Do you believe in Taxes?: They're necessary for public services.

    Do you believe in Texas?: Yeah.

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yes.

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Yes if it is because of some disfigurement to the person (eg. burns), no if it is purely for cosmetic reasons (eg. to get bigger breasts, tummy tuck etc.)

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: I have no idea.

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: Maybe.

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Kerry.

    Do you believe in Heaven?: No.

    Do you believe in Hell?: No.


    Hobbies: The internet, mostly, writing and a little drawing as well.

    Collections: None.

    Goals: Travel the world.

    Dreams: as above.

    Fears: Heights, although significantly less now.

    Weaknesses: -

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'm sorry, I just had to add that =P: wtf?

    Most common emotion: Anger, I guess.

    Perfect Pizza: Extra cheese, and far too much pepperoni.

    What?s your favorite Memory: Don't really have one.

    Countries you?ve been to: UK, USA, France, Spain (Balearics and Canaries)

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Illinois, California, Nevada, Florida

    What pet would you like: Another dog. I am so boring.

    Any additional information: Nope.

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: I suppose.

  3. #203
    Junior Member
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    I`m bored, so, lets start! ^__^

    First Name: Cathy
    Screen Name (s): Saigon
    Nicknames: Cat...uhm, yeah
    Birth date: 11.02.1987
    Gender: Female
    Ethnic Background: German
    Eye Color: Green-brown
    Hair Color: brown
    Freckles: yup, but only a few on my nose
    Moles: on my neck, yes
    Scars: Above my left eye XD
    Righty or Lefty?: Righty
    Religion: Christian
    Political Party: well...
    Country: Germany
    State/Province?: Bavaria!
    Marital Status?: single, atm -.-.
    Sexual Preference?: eh
    Parents Divorced?: No
    Siblings? How many?: have none
    Children? How many?: childs? no, noho ^^"
    Best Friend (s): a few online and some in real life
    Pets (names and what they are): 1 cat (Max) 2 rats (Balu, Diego)
    Job: nope
    Schooling: In College
    Car: not yet
    Play an Instrument: No
    Glasses or Contacts: No
    Jewelry: Sometimes, yes
    Tattoo: No
    Makeup: Also sometimes
    Zodiac Sign: omg...uhm Aquarius? (don`t know the word XD)
    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rabbit


    Animal: Lions, Rats, Snow leopards and red Pandas
    Extinct animal: Dinos
    Color: Blue
    Country: Japan
    State/Province: nothing special
    Automobile: er...
    Number: 2
    Food: too much
    Fast Food Place and Food there: Macci ^^ chicken X)
    Musical Instrument: piano
    Drink (not just alcoholic): Water
    Season: Summer
    Actor: Tom Cruise, Pierce Brosnan
    Actress: Catherine Zeta-Jones
    Music Genre: rock, mostly
    Singer: James Blunt, Brian Adams and Roman Riklin
    Band: Genesis, Abba
    Movie Genre: Action yoo, Animation movies
    Movie: Lion King, Last Samurai, Geisha, Zorro, James Bond <3 and Phantom of the opera
    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Kovu...James Bond
    Villain in Movie: Zira, Phantom
    Book Genre: I read everything XD
    Book: Way too much
    Author: Lian Hearn, Dan Brown, JK Rowling and so on...
    Board Game: Risiko
    Game Console: PS2
    Computer/Console Game:
    Sport: Karate, swimming, cycling
    Activity (Besides Sports): Drawing, chatting
    Subject in School: art and ... <_< ...v_v english
    Store: -
    Gum: Favorite gum? o.0
    Candy: chocolate
    Email or IM: both
    Phone or in person: In person
    TV or Radio or Internet: tv and i-net
    Flavor: -
    Cats or Dogs: ehh..both ^^"
    Day or Night: Day
    IM Service: -

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: No
    Alcohol: Yes, no much of course
    Cigarettes/Cigars: No
    Chew: tabak? no
    Cuss/Swear: yoo
    Lie: who does not?
    Stole: No
    Attempted Suicide: No
    Attempted Murder: No o.0
    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Noho
    Got in a fight, did you win: Normally I don`t fight ^^
    Been shot: No
    Want to go to college: I`m already there
    Had an imaginary friend: what? noo X)
    Wanted to be the opposite sex: No
    Had D?j? Vu: of course
    Gone skinny dipping?: No
    Walk around nude?: Yep, in the bathroom X)

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: yup
    Ever fallen in love?: Yup
    If so, at what age?: oh ..uhm 17
    How many times?: three times
    Ever been dumped?: No
    How many times?: Nope
    Ever made out?: Nope
    Ever had Sex?: ?-
    Looks or Personality?: Personality
    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: -
    Believe in love at first sight?: yeah
    Do you want to get married?: yup
    Define marriage and what it means to you: -
    Do you want/have kids?: Maybe one
    Boys name: I think it`s not only my decision
    Girls name: see above

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: dunno, there are too much XD
    Greatest thing you?ve done: Visited Canada
    Funniest thing you?ve done: -
    Person/Place/Thing you hate: -/-/Spiders >_<
    Person/Place/Thing you love: My parents/Canada/-
    Country you hate besides your own: -
    Country you love besides your own: Africa and America
    Best feeling in the world: Love
    Worst feeling in the world: when I`m ill -.-

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: be honest, not really
    Do you believe in Abortion?: -
    Do you believe in Cloning?: eh, it`s real, isn`t it?
    Do you believe in Guns?: wat?
    Do you believe in War?: No
    Do you believe in Hunting?: No
    Do you believe in Taxes?: No X)
    Do you believe in Texas?: er...?
    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: yeah, why not
    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: hm, nope
    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: -
    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: -
    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: None of them
    Do you believe in Heaven?: no
    Do you believe in Hell?: no


    Hobbies: Watching movies, drawing, travelling
    Collections: DVDs
    Goals: Finish college at first.
    Dreams: a lot
    Fears: get killed X)
    Weaknesses: i`m not very self confident
    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: -
    Most common emotion: -
    Perfect Pizza: peperoni, chilli
    What?s your favorite Memory: way too much
    Countries you?ve been to: England, France, Austria, Italia, Tunisia, Switzerland, Canada, Florida, Spain (Menorca), Greece
    What pet would you like: a lion ^^
    Any additional information: no

    huh, this was really a lot

  4. #204
    Senior Member
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    Originally posted by Roquivo
    Want to hear a pet horror story? When I was little, my sister had a real handsome black and white cat, Sparkles. He was the most awsome animal. He loved water and would actually jump in the tub when someone took a bath, and could actually speak. He said "mama" and "thank you".

    One day, when we had him for over twelve years(time like that makes an animal very close) we moved into a condominian style apartment. We were specifically told we could have cats. At the time we had three. A little while after moving in, two of the cats, Sparkles and Leo, an young orange tabby, vanished. We never did find them. The landlord lived in one of the apartments, and disobeyed his own rules. I hated him for it. Anyway, he had the meanest little pug/terrier mix dog. I'll get into him a bit later.

    One day, me and my older sister were walking with some other kids from the complex by the landlord's house, and her the loudest cat screams coming through the open window of the landlords basement. Me and another small kid ducked in and found a cat caught in some sort of super-sized trap. To make things even worse, one of the kids went into hysterics screaming that it was her cat. I guess the landlord wasn't home at the time, cause he never came down even with all the noice. We got the cat out, and brang it back to the girls house. The girls parents later approached the landlord. Of course the landlord tried to play innocent, claiming the traps were for strays that kept coming in. The fact the he always left his basement windown shot down that defence. I don't know all the legal stuff, but the landlord confessed his scam.

    He never liked animals, but found more people were willing to live in places where animlas were allowed. He would trap the innocent animals, and bring them to the pound to be destroyed. The victims included my families two missing cats. Our third survived because he spent the entire time inside recovering from a broken leg.

    Over the next few days, we all noticed that his dog was gone. Now that I am older, I realize that the Animal Control probably had him removed. Being kids, we didn't know that, and rumors quickly spread that one of the older kids who also lost a cat put a bb bullet though it's head in revenge.
    That's just terrible. Witnessing her pet being tourtued could have emotional scarred that girl for life. This man seriously needs to be locked away. Abuse to animals is just the first sign. Many animal abusers eventualy "graduate" to human victims.

  5. #205
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    Originally posted by Tiikeri
    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Listening to Neola (she knows what I mean xD)
    Thanks, the feeling's mutual.

  6. #206
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    I'll do it again cos soooo many things have changed since I last did it on page 6 or 7 of this...

    First Name: Amy
    Screen Name (s): Dyani or Dyani_TLK or Dyani969
    Nicknames: Amz or Conkers
    Birth date: 01.02.1988
    Gender: Female
    Ethnic Background: White Caucasan
    Eye Color: blue with dark blue rims and a fleck of hazel in one of them
    Hair Color: dirty blonde
    Freckles: dont fink so
    Moles: over my arms, back and chest
    Scars: a large mental one and several physical
    Righty or Lefty?: Righty
    Religion: no thank you
    Political Party: they all lie so none
    Country: England
    State/Province?: Devon
    Marital Status?: taken
    Sexual Preference?: bi cos I'm greedy like that
    Parents Divorced?: Nope
    Siblings? How many?: yeah but thats complicated
    Children? How many?: none yet
    Best Friend (s): about 3
    Pets (names and what they are): 5 fish, no names yet
    Job: nope
    Schooling: In University
    Car: nope
    Play an Instrument: No
    Glasses or Contacts: No
    Jewelry: Mainly lots of rings
    Tattoo: No
    Makeup: Also sometimes
    Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon >XD FEAR ME!!


    Animal: Tiger, black wolves, whales
    Extinct animal: Tazmainian Wolf (if extinct) dinosaurs mainly.. Liopleurodon
    Color: Blue or Purple
    Country: Africa
    State/Province: Kenya
    Automobile: its a machine.. it gets you places.. thats it.. Land Rover
    Shoe: trainers
    Number: 969 or 9
    Food: Galaxy chocolate
    Fast Food Place and Food there: Burger King if I must... no particular fav food there
    Musical Instrument: violin or Saxophone
    Drink (not just alcoholic): Water/Diet Coke/Strongbow
    Season: Autumn
    Actor: who was that Indiana Jones dude? Him
    Actress: Jennifer Aniston or Signorney Weaver
    Music Genre: anger rock
    Singer: Gene Pitney
    Band: Three Days Grace currently, otherwise Linkin Park
    Movie Genre: Horror/Comedy
    Movie: any of the Alien or Final Destination movies
    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Indiana Jones /Ellen Ripley (Alien saga)
    Villain in Movie: Zira/Xenomorph aliens (from Alien movies)
    Book Genre: I read everything but especially horror and non-fiction
    Book: *In Cold Blood* by Truman Capote or any of the Harry Potter books
    Author: JK Rowling
    Board Game: Monopoly
    Game Console: PC
    Computer/Console Game: Dawn of War
    Sport: swimming, cycling, archery
    Activity (Besides Sports): drawing, writing, internet
    Website: TLKFAA, Lea, DA, YouTube
    Subject in School: English and Environmental Biology
    Store: Asda/Tesco
    Gum: Wrigleys Extra
    Candy: chocolate/thoise candy bracelets
    Email or IM: Email
    Phone or in person: In person
    TV or Radio or Internet: tv and internet
    Flavor: strawberry
    Cats or Dogs: both but cats rule, dogs drool
    Day or Night: Night

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: No
    Alcohol: Yes... me loves my Strongbow
    Cigarettes/Cigars: NEVER
    Chew: no
    Cuss/Swear: yea course.. who doesn't?
    Lie: yes, but wish I didn't
    Stole: Yes
    Attempted Suicide: Yes
    Attempted Murder: Trust me I wish I had
    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: broken arm
    Got in a fight, did you win: Yes, both verbal and physical
    Been shot: Nope
    Want to go to college: Does Uni count? I'm there already
    Had an imaginary friend: no
    Wanted to be the opposite sex: Yes, they got it easier
    Had D?j? Vu: yep
    Gone skinny dipping?: no
    Walk around nude?: yep

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: yes
    Ever fallen in love?: Yes
    If so, at what age?: I thought I had at 11 and carried on 'till 17 when he told me he was gay
    How many times?: three times
    Ever been dumped?: Yes, and it hurts
    How many times?: Twice... the last one hurt the most
    Ever made out?: yes
    Ever had Sex?: yes
    Looks or Personality?: Personality
    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: I'm f**king ugly, alright?
    Believe in love at first sight?: no.. thats lust not love
    Do you want to get married?: definatlu
    Define marriage and what it means to you: the union of two people who truely love each other and want to stay in each others loves forever
    Do you want/have kids?: yes, three or two
    Boys name: Daniel, Warren, Peregrin
    Girls name: Phoenix, Nixie, Equinox, Rainbow

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: been obsessed with one person for five years
    Greatest thing you?ve done: passed exams and entered Uni
    Funniest thing you?ve done: laughed solidly for 15 minutes.. I was almost choking
    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Layla from my old school/Westcliff Primary School.. so many very bad memories/War
    Person/Place/Thing you love: My boyfriend, new friends at Uni and parents/My home town/...
    Country you hate besides your own: its not a country that is bad, its the people who run it
    Country you love besides your own: all countries
    Best feeling in the world: Just to love and be loved in return
    Worst feeling in the world: Suicidal/depressed beyond care

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Can't quite put into words how much I dislike God, even if his bushy face does exsist
    Do you believe in Abortion?: depends on the situation, but yes
    Do you believe in Cloning?: erm... its happening isnt it?
    Do you believe in Guns?: Hate them just as I dispise those using them
    Do you believe in War?: NO
    Do you believe in Hunting?: *kills all hunters* I HATE people who hunt, unless they are in the LEDC's and they are hunting for food
    Do you believe in Taxes?: erm... whatever
    Do you believe in Texas?: thats just stupid
    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: THEY ARE HUMANS TOO YOU MORONS!!!
    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: if you wanna waste money, do it (unless you had a massive accident and got deformed sorta thing)
    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: I know not who he is
    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: I hope not
    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Anyone but Bush...
    Do you believe in Heaven?: just a black void
    Do you believe in Hell?: just a black void


    Hobbies: Watching movies, reading, internet, walking, archery
    Collections: badges, books, seashells, pebbles
    Goals: get a Degree in WIldlife Conservation and make my relationship last
    Dreams: Usually randomly inspired
    Fears: that I will ruin my relationship/lose my boyfriend/someone who was closest to me say they hate me
    Weaknesses: very little confidence/body image
    Most common emotion: hyperness
    Perfect Pizza: four cheeses
    What?s your favorite Memory: my 16th birthday party
    Countries you?ve been to: Wales, Scotland, Ireland, France, Austria, Switzerland, Canada, Florida, Spain (Menorca, Majorca, Tenerife, Veurtaventura), Greece, Itlay
    What pet would you like: black wolf

    Thought some things had majorly changed so why not? And anyway, this will insire some newbies to write about themselves!

  7. #207
    Aka STM (Administrator ) Sadiki's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Dyani
    Actor: who was that Indiana Jones dude? Him
    that would be Harrison Ford

    Lea members I have met: Fuzzy, Naline, Boos, Ruska, Tima, Talfasi, JambaB, Sharifu, Vidan, Muruwa, Taneli, Shadow, nathalie, Lucy , Amaryllis, This Land, Daniel, Lion King Stu, King Simba, Nephilim, KanuTGL, Lion_King_300, 2DieFR, Kenai, A-non-a-mus, Eva Janus, dlb138, Levin, HasiraKali, Revo, Simba The Enigma, Azerane and Xacheraus.

  8. #208
    !su nioJ Guntur's Avatar
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    First Name: Zuleffendi

    Screen Name (s): Phoenix
    Nicknames?: Eddy, Fendi, Zack, The Crayon

    Birth date: 26/11/1988
    Gender: Male

    Ethnic Background: Malay, Chinese, Indian
    Eye Color: Brown

    Hair Color: Black


    Moles: 2..

    Scars: My scar is dirty... and sexy

    Righty or Lefty?: Lefty

    Religion: Islam (sunni muslim)

    Political Party: BN

    Country?: Malaysia

    State/Province?: Capital City Kuala Lumpur

    Marital Status?: Donno... yet

    Sexual Preference?: Straight

    Parents Divorced?: Yes

    Siblings? How many?: 4

    Children? How many?: Soon, we'll decided in the bedroom

    Best Friend (s): Faiz, Yussuf, Fendy,

    Pets (names and what they are) : Gemuk (fat) and Koko - Himalayan Cats

    Job?: Flirting

    Schooling?: College MIIM (Media College)

    Car?:not yet

    Play an Instrument?: Drum

    Glasses or Contacts?: Glasses.. once

    Jewelry?: Bling Bling... nawww

    Tattoo?: Nop if you count mosquito bites yesssss

    Makeup?: Yes, if I'm a lead actor

    Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: E.D.D.Y - Enter Da Dragon Year!


    Animal: Cats, Tiger

    Color: Blue

    Country: Malaysia, Great Britain

    State/Province: Malacca, London

    Automobile: Low rider

    Shoe: Adidas

    Number: 18 (Legal Year)

    Food: Chinese Food, not chinese

    Fast Food Place and Food there: KFC

    Musical Instrument: Drum

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Milo, Root Beer

    Season: Four Season Hotel

    Actor: Mel Gibson

    Actress: Emily Vancamp, Mischa Barton, Vanessa Hudgens

    Music Genre: Universal, 60's, Funk

    Singer: James Brown, Melly Goeslow

    Band: Dream Theater, Muse, Black Maria

    Movie Genre: Action, Comedy

    Movie: Da Vinci Code, James Bond Franchise

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Bond, Alex Rider

    Villain in Movie: you gotta love Blofeld

    Book Genre: no books

    Book: no books.. .. err.. except for Television Production Handbook!

    Author: Herbert Zettl

    Board Game: Monopoly (a long time ago)

    Game Console:PSP

    Computer/Console Game: Warcraft

    Sport: Bowling

    Activity (Besides Sports): Flirting


    Subject in School: Introduction to TV production

    Store: Echo Park

    Gum: *(&(@*&(@*.. err???

    Candy: err... *confusizzle*

    Email or IM: IM!

    Phone or in person: In person

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet

    Flavor: Whatcha flavor

    Cats or Dogs: Cats

    Day or Night: Night

    IM Service: MSN

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: I am the drugs

    Alcohol: Nop

    Cigarettes/Cigars: it's a common thing

    Chew: NOP

    Cuss/Swear: for shizzle dizzle

    Lie: noo...... that's a lie

    Stole: yeah

    Attempted Suicide: once

    Attempted Murder: No, i rather use them then kill 'em

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: nop

    Got in a fight, did you win: sure... no!

    Been shot: yes.. injection

    Want to go to college: I'm in college fool!

    Had an imaginary friend: no... I have imaginary girlfriends

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: No.... switching is alright

    Had D?j? Vu: yeah

    Gone skinny dipping?:......

    Walk around nude?: Yes.....

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yes

    Ever fallen in love?: yes

    If so, at what age?: 15

    How many times?: 3

    Ever been dumped?: yes

    How many times?:2

    Ever made out?: Nop

    Ever had Sex?: Nop

    Looks or Personality?: Either

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Either

    Believe in love at first sight?: Yes

    Do you want to get married?: Yes

    Define marriage and what it means to you: Relationship, Trust, Honest, Communication, Sex.

    Do you want/have kids?: Yes

    Boys name: I'll decided the name on the bed

    Girls name: same as above

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Many I don't remember much

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Graduate on High School

    Funniest thing you?ve done: Impersonate people

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Hypocryte, The one who can't make peace, City Centre, My memory card reader

    Person/Place/Thing you love: some who understand the situation, Girls , friendship, London, New York, Malacca, My mp3 player

    Country you hate besides your own: Non

    Country you love besides your own: Great Britain

    Best feeling in the world: Love, Peace

    Worst feeling in the world: Hate, Anger, Death

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Yes

    Do you believe in Abortion?: in some condition

    Do you believe in Cloning?: what's up China?????

    Do you believe in Guns?: Do you believe me?

    Do you believe in War?: Yes

    Do you believe in Hunting?: Act on Survival

    Do you believe in Taxes?: Where the government invest

    Do you believe in Texas?: I like any kind of movie

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?:No!

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: No!

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: ask David Hasselhoff

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: He never touch my butt

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?:Issac Newton

    Do you believe in Heaven?: For Heaven sake

    Do you believe in Hell?: Hell yeah


    Hobbies: Jump around

    Collections: no collection

    Goals: Do what I must

    Dreams: Do what I do

    Fears: Nothing 2 do

    Weaknesses: Weakness

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'm sorry, I just had to add that =P shizzle dizzle

    Most common emotion: Strange

    Perfect Pizza: As long it has chicken

    What?s your favorite Memory: Living in this world

    Countries you?ve been to: most part of Europe

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Whole states in Malaysia

    What pet would you like: Sabretooth

    Any additional information: I'm done

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: So-So
    (12/16/2014 - 4/6/2006)

    (07/11/2011 - Current time)

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  9. #209
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    First Name: Daniel

    Screen Name (s): erm... Daniel
    Email: **** off
    Nicknames?: Daniel, Dan, Daniel 1.5, *****arse

    Birth date: mash
    Gender: Male

    Ethnic Background: Scotland
    Eye Color: Red after too much Vodka

    Hair Color: Brown and Blonde (like someone has **** on Paris Hilton)

    Freckles: None

    Moles: Do piles count?

    Scars: Nope

    Righty or Lefty?: Depends which way i'm facing

    Religion: Neo-Nazism

    Political Party: Nazi Party

    Country?: mash

    State/Province?: mash

    Marital Status?: single

    Sexual Preference?: I'm like a barn door

    Parents Divorced?: Nope

    Siblings? How many?: More than i cared to count.

    Children? How many?: mash

    Best Friend (s): mash

    Pets (names and what they are): mash

    Job?: **** it

    Schooling?: not any more

    Car?: if only

    Play an Instrument?: not really

    Glasses or Contacts?: glasses. they take the emphasis away from the rest of my face.

    Jewelry?: nope

    Tattoo?: nope

    Makeup?: mash

    Zodiac Sign: Gemini

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Snake


    Animal: Tiger

    Color: Black

    Country: mash

    State/Province: mash

    Automobile: RX-8

    Shoe: mine

    Number: 65736573765679856

    Food: instant mash

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Smash - Mash

    Musical Instrument: bowels

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Russian Water

    Season: 24 Season 5

    Actor: Jude Law

    Actress: mash

    Music Genre: Shitloads

    Singer: mash

    Band: mash

    Movie Genre: a lot

    Movie: V for Vendetta

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Drugs

    Villain in Movie: Drugs

    Book Genre: mash

    Book: jkewrbfhkasbfkjhcavsjhfdj by Mash McMash

    Author:Mash McMash

    Board Game: mash

    Game Console: PC

    Computer/Console Game: Holocaust Tycoon

    Sport: mashing up de place

    Activity (Besides Sports): mashing up de place


    Subject in School: Domestic Mash

    Store: the Mash Shop

    Gum: Smash

    Candy: Smash

    Email or IM: mash

    Phone or in person: mash

    TV or Radio or Internet: mash

    Flavor: mash

    Cats or Dogs: mash

    Day or Night: mash

    IM Service: IMash

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: yes

    Alcohol: yes

    Cigarettes/Cigars: yes

    Chew: i eat paper, mash and raffle tickets

    Cuss/Swear: too fucking much

    Lie: yes

    Stole: yes

    Attempted Suicide: yes

    Attempted Murder: yes

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: yes

    Got in a fight, did you win: yes yes

    Been shot: yes, twice, by Sgt. Mash

    Want to go to college: no

    Had an imaginary friend: yes, there he is

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: no

    Had D?j? Vu: yes

    Gone skinny dipping?: no

    Walk around nude?: yes, i have footage if you want me to prove it

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: yes

    Ever fallen in love?: yes

    If so, at what age?: 15

    How many times?: 3

    Ever been dumped?: yes

    How many times: twice

    Ever made out?: yes

    Ever had Sex?: no

    Looks or Personality?: both

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Ugly

    Believe in love at first sight?: yes

    Do you want to get married?: yes

    Define marriage and what it means to you: mash

    Do you want/have kids?: yes, god forbid

    Boys name: Mash

    Girls name: Mashina

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: This fecking questionaire

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Written a film script

    Funniest thing you?ve done: This fecking questionaire

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: mash mash mash

    Person/Place/Thing you love: They know who they are/mash/mash

    Country you hate besides your own: all of them

    Country you love besides your own: none of them

    Best feeling in the world: Falling in love

    Worst feeling in the world: Falling from a building

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: The thought had crossed my mind

    Do you believe in Abortion?: in the right circumstances

    Do you believe in Cloning?: yes, i have one right here. say hello daniel.

    Do you believe in Guns?: Well, they exist, don't they?

    Do you believe in War?: Well, that hapens as well.

    Do you believe in Hunting?: Only when you're hunting stuck up bastards

    Do you believe in Taxes?: I have to, the NHS doesn't fund itself

    Do you believe in Texas?: mash

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: mash

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: mash

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: dont care

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: don't care

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: don't care

    Do you believe in Heaven?: If there is a Subway, then yes.

    Do you believe in Hell?: If there's a subway, then yes


    Hobbies: Mashing

    Collections: Ikea

    Goals: Mash up Buckingham Palace

    Dreams: Putting babies on racks.

    Fears: Linda Barker

    Weaknesses: mash

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'm sorry, I just had to add that =P

    Most common emotion: Mash

    Perfect Pizza: erm... pizza

    What?s your favorite Memory: mash

    Countries you?ve been to: England, France, Spain, Turkey.

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Mash

    What pet would you like: Mash

    Any additional information: I like mash.

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Meh

  10. #210
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    wow, and i thought some of my answers were messed up

  11. #211
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    Whassup! I figured I should do this ?cause I?m pretty new even though I have a lot of posts?so here goes?.


    First Name: Sam(uel).

    Screen Names: Katari, Shrewbacca, Saruman Ring-Maker, Samwuss, ad infinitum.

    Email:,, Hotmail and other Yahoo that I can?t remember.

    Nicknames: Samwise, Sam de Man, Idiot, Loser, Cool, etc?.

    Birth date: June 28th, 1990.

    Gender: I be a manly male.

    Ethnic Background: I?m an Irish/German Caucasian.

    Eye Color: Mostly brown, but some people think they?re greenish.

    Hair Color: Once ?white? blonde, and now a (nearly-black) brown color.

    Freckles: Nuh-uh.

    Moles: You could count ?em on one hand.

    Scars: Lots of small ones, but nothing major.

    Righty or Lefty?: Semi-ambidextrous.

    Religion: Independent Christian.

    Political Party: Whichever one supports my beliefs is the one I vote for.

    Country?: The U.S-of-A.

    State/Province?: Columbia/Richmond County, Georgia.

    Marital Status?: Single, at the moment.

    Sexual Preference?: Straight.

    Parents Divorced?: No, thank goodness.

    Siblings? How many?: Yes, two brothers (4, 6)and four sisters (8, 10, 12, 14). They?re crazy.

    Best Friends: Zach, Andrew, Matt, Tierah, Robbie, Seth, Evan, Charles, etc?.

    Pets (names and what they are): Russell is a beagle; we also have a rooster and seven chickens.

    Job?: I run concession stands for my county?s recreation department.

    Schooling?: Junior in high school.

    Car?: Blue Dodge pickup (sweet, but not mine); my dad?s truck, but I drive it.

    Play an Instrument?: Guitar (sorta) and piano (sorta). My voice, I guess.

    Glasses or Contacts?: No.

    Jewelry?: None of da bling-bling.

    Tattoo?: No, I?m not inked.

    Makeup?: Shoot, no!

    Zodiac Sign: Dunno.

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: No clue.


    Animal: The African lion, Vitani subspecies.

    Color: Orange.

    Country: My own, I guess. Never thought about it.

    State/Province: Georgia.

    Automobile: Anything fast and shiny.

    Shoe: Nike Air.

    Number: Uh?23?

    Food: Pizza, and vanilla ice cream.

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Steak ?N Shake steak-burgers!

    Musical Instrument: De guitar.

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Orange juice.

    Season: Right between summer and fall?sunny, yet cool.

    Actor/Actress: Can?t decide on these two.

    Music Genre: Mostly fast and upbeat?kind of punky, I guess.

    Singer/Band: Lots of ?em.

    Movie Genre: Acton/Adventure.

    Movie: The Lion King

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Vitani?she?s my hero.

    Villain in Movie: Probably Zira or Scar; maybe Lord Vader; but anybody cool.

    Book Genre: Fantasy or Action/Adventure.

    Book: The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien.

    Author: Either Tolkien or Robert Jordan (he wrote The Wheel of Time, a great fantasy series).

    Board Game: Probably Risk.

    Game Console: Xbox 360

    Computer/Console Game: Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast. It?s old, but still a classic.

    Sport: Basketball (I?m tall) or football (I?m pretty fast). I love both; in basketball I?m a forward, and in football either a quarterback, wide receiver, or defensive back.

    Activity (Besides Sports): Writing, I think, with reading as a close second.


    Subject in School: History. (I have a writing class, but I prefer to write independent of grades and deadlines.)

    Store: Oh, I don?t know. Wal-Mart, maybe.

    Gum: I?ve never chewed gum in my life ? hate the stuff.

    Candy: Snickers bars.

    Email or IM: I love using Gmail, but there are lots of good ones.

    Phone or in person: In person.

    TV or Radio or Internet: Oooh?I don?t like T.V. much, I like to listen to talk radio, and I like the Internet.

    Flavor: Flavor of what? I like vanilla?.

    Cats or Dogs: Big cats.

    Day or Night: Staying up ?till 3:00 a.m. is da bomb, yo.

    IM Service: MSN?even though I don?t use it.


    Drugs: No, and I never plan to. I have been accused of it before, but no.

    Alcohol: Uh-uh.

    Cigarettes/Cigars: No?.

    Chew: Chew on what? If you mean tobacco, then no, it?s sick.

    Cuss/Swear: I try not to, but I think in ?words? every now and again.

    Lie: I do, but I try hard not to. (Lie.)

    Stole: Well, yeah, but nothing major?my buddy?s MP3 player (I gave it back!). But he stole another buddy?s clothes and Xbox 360, so he can?t complain much.

    Attempted Suicide: Does playing the Ban Game count?

    Attempted Murder: Only of small babies?NO!!!

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Lots of sprains and junk, since I play sports, but no breaks (yet).

    Got in a fight, did you win: Yes, and yes. Multiple times.

    Been shot: Lots of times, but only with paintballs, BBs, and pellets.

    Want to go to college: Oh, yeah.

    Had an imaginary friend: Mmm?no?but I?ve imagined people liked me that really don?t.

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: No.

    Had D?j? Vu: Yes, plenty of times?I can?t seem to remember any of them, but I?m sure they?ll happen again.

    Gone skinny dipping?: Does taking a bath count?

    Walk around nude?: Yeah?I share a room with my brothers?so plenty of nudity to go around.


  12. #212
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    Is love real?: No, it?s fake, you twit. Seriously, love is for real, but some people fool themselves into thinking they?re in love when they?re really not.

    Ever fallen in love?: Lots of times.

    If so, at what age?: Uh?every year from 12 on up.

    How many times?: You sure are nosy?4-6, I guess.

    Ever been dumped?: No, no, no.

    Ever made out?: Nope.

    Ever had Sex?: Why do you ask? No, I be saving that.

    Looks or Personality?: Both are necessary.

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: They tell me I?m oh-so-hawt, so I guess I?ll go with the group consensus.

    Believe in love at first sight?: I guess?I think I?ve experienced it.

    Do you want to get married?: Not really, not at this point.

    Define marriage and what it means to you: A lifelong (read: forever) commitment to someone, whom you swear to care about and for as long as the two of you are alive.

    Do you want/have kids?: Not if I?m not married, and since I already have a ton of siblings?I don?t think so. Not that kids are a bad thing, but if I?m not married, why would I want them?

    Boys name: Sam?s cool.

    Girls name: I like exotic names?like?Shatrika. Or Tawneeka. Or Vitani. I dunno; I like ?em all.

    -THE MOST-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Convinced people that I was in jail for marijuana and assaulting a police officer. Oh, that was just last week.

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Um?been born. I can?t decide, but everything I do is great.

    Funniest thing you?ve done: Probably convinced a ?friend? that a girl was madly in love with him?I even sent him a love note with flowery cursive handwriting (it took, like, an hour). And then, after the girl found out and got mad, I sent a fake e-mail to her from my friend?s (fake) address, with a really dumb pic of him, and asking for her to send some pics back. You just had to be there?.

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Hillary Clinton/Hell/hatred.

    Person/Place/Thing you love: Mom/basketball court/Mom (just kidding, Mom!).

    Country you hate besides your own: Weird?I like my country okay?.I guess I hate the government of any country if it oppresses its people.

    Country you love besides your own: Australia. You Aussies are awesome!!!

    Best feeling in the world: Requited love. I think.

    Worst feeling in the world: Unrequited love. Or love that you don?t want to requite. That goes for friendship, too.

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Deeply.

    Do you believe in Abortion?: Only if the life of the mother is in danger.

    Do you believe in Cloning?: Under certain jurisdiction, yes.

    Do you believe in Guns?: *Bang! Bang!* Yes.

    Do you believe in War?: I believe in war to some extent, but not in wars for political points.

    Do you believe in Hunting?: Only if you eat everything you kill.

    Do you believe in Taxes?: If they?re not overdone?we should pay something to our country for the freedoms we receive.

    Do you believe in Texas?: Yes, but not in illegal immigrants in Texas.

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: I sorta think they should be allowed to marry?they?re going to do it anyway.

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: For major burns/scars, sure. For vanity?s sake, not at all.

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Dirty #$%@ was guilty.

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: Dirty #$%@ was guilty.

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: None of the above. I used to like Bush, but nowadays he?s so weak.

    Do you believe in Heaven?: Yes, I do.

    Do you believe in Hell?: Hell, yeah.


    Hobbies: Reading, writing, sports, chillin?, Web surfing, talk radio, good music, good movies, video games, and being me. Who else would I want to be.

    Collections: I don?t really collect anything.

    Goals: To write a feature-length novel someday, or even a long series of short stories (like Robert E. Howard). To be at least a college ball-player, in basketball or football. I think the second one is doable, but I?ll have to keep working hard.

    Dreams: Getting a good job, a good home (crib), and to be happy. But, deep down, I want to do something epic, change the world, y?know?we?ll have to wait and see on that one.

    Fears: Underachieving, complacency, anger (yes, I have some problems there), boredom.

    Weaknesses: Being afraid to speak up when something is wrong, being too quick to speak up and saying the wrong things, and being too complacent to get anything real done.

    Most common emotion: Angst or humor.

    Perfect Pizza: Plain cheese ? I so boring ? or all-everything.

    What?s your favorite Memory: Being with my grandfather before his death when I was almost five. :sad:

    Countries you?ve been to: Just mine, but one day I want to see the world.

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Plenty.

    What pet would you like: A talking hyena?we could tell messed-up jokes all day long and have a good laugh about it.

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: I?m not so sure anymore.

    Well, that?s me.

  13. #213
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    First Name: nunya

    Screen Name (s): dirtbiker3542
    Email: nunya
    Nicknames?: Top Ramen, Sudi

    Birth date: 11-2-88
    Gender: dude

    Ethnic Background: just your typical white boy
    Eye Color: blue

    Hair Color: dirty blond

    Freckles: some



    Righty or Lefty?: -->

    Religion: um

    Political Party: um

    Country?: USA

    State/Province?: CA

    Marital Status?: single

    Sexual Preference?: girls

    Parents Divorced?: nope

    Siblings? How many?: 5 step siblings

    Children? How many?: 0

    Best Friend (s): drew,jacob,clarrissa,chris,kristi,tom,tanner,dan

    Pets (names and what they are):Lucy, Blanca both dogs

    Job?: demo

    Schooling?: senior in HS

    Car?: 66 Mustang

    Play an Instrument?: Trumpet, air guitar

    Glasses or Contacts?: glasses

    Jewelry?: my watch

    Tattoo?: nope

    Makeup?: hell no

    Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: idk


    Animal: Cheetah

    Color: blue

    Country: USA

    State/Province: Illinois, Arizona, Cali

    Automobile: Muscle cars, 1969 Boss 429 Mustang and the 65-67 Shelbys <3

    Shoe: Vans

    Number:um 6

    Food: sushi, mexican

    Fast Food Place and Food there: in-n-out

    Musical Instrument: trumpet

    Drink (not just alcoholic): water, pepsi

    Season: summer, fall

    Actor: idk

    Actress: the hot ones

    Music Genre: rock, but i like all music, even some country

    Singer: idk

    Band: soooooo many

    Movie Genre: comedy and war

    Movie: many

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: idk

    Villain in Movie: idk

    Book Genre: dont read that much anymore

    Book: many

    Author: idk

    Board Game: SCRABBLE!!

    Game Console: um, N64, SEGA Gen., PS2

    Computer/Console Game: BF2

    Sport: dirtbiking, wake-boarding

    Activity (Besides Sports): marching band

    Website: myspace

    Subject in School: drafting

    Store: um

    Gum: um

    Candy: yum

    Email or IM: IM

    Phone or in person: person

    TV or Radio or Internet: internet, tv

    Flavor: many

    Cats or Dogs: dogs

    Day or Night: both

    IM Service: AIM

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: yep

    Alcohol: yep

    Cigarettes/Cigars: yep

    Chew: no

    Cuss/Swear: duh

    Lie: never

    Stole: yep

    Attempted Suicide: no

    Attempted Murder: no

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: yep

    Got in a fight, did you win: yes yes and no

    Been shot: with paintball and airsoft

    Want to go to college: already registered

    Had an imaginary friend: nope

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: just outa curiosity haha

    Had D?j? Vu: mhm

    Gone skinny dipping?: yep

    Walk around nude?: yep

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: yes

    Ever fallen in love?: not true love

    If so, at what age?: um young

    How many times?: couple

    Ever been dumped?: yep

    How many times?: 2

    Ever made out?: yep

    Ever had Sex?: nope

    Looks or Personality?: gotta have both

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: somewhere in the middle

    Believe in love at first sight?: sure

    Do you want to get married?: one day

    Define marriage and what it means to you: lotsa sex

    Do you want/have kids?: one day

    Boys name: idk

    Girls name: idk

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: haha, lets not talk about that

    Greatest thing you?ve done: cant decide

    Funniest thing you?ve done: haha, too many

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: mushrooms and olives

    Person/Place/Thing you love: my friends/Chicago and Havasu/my car <3

    Country you hate besides your own: none really

    Country you love besides your own: Britain looks cool

    Best feeling in the world: love, in-n-out

    Worst feeling in the world:depression, pain, fire crap

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: yes

    Do you believe in Abortion?: um

    Do you believe in Cloning?: sure

    Do you believe in Guns?: yes

    Do you believe in War?: its necessary

    Do you believe in Hunting?: yes

    Do you believe in Taxes?: government needs to function

    Do you believe in Texas?: been there

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: sure, have at it

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: if your that ugly i guess you'd be doing every one a favor

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: yes

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: maybe

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: um

    Do you believe in Heaven?: yes

    Do you believe in Hell?: yes


    Hobbies:RC car racing

    Collections: none really

    Goals: graduate HS with a 3.3 GPA

    Dreams: graduate college

    Fears: seeing people who i love die

    Weaknesses: seeing a girl cry

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'm sorry, I just had to add that =P well of course

    Most common emotion: happy

    Perfect Pizza: yum

    What?s your favorite Memory: so many

    Countries you?ve been to: Mexico

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: California, Nevada, Arizona, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana and soon Hawaii

    What pet would you like: Cheetah would be awesome

    Any additional information: I'm bored

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires:they kill time

  14. #214
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
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    First Name: Sonja

    Screen Name (s): Ayo, Darkpaw, h1596
    Nicknames?: Ayo, Simba, 'Nimma'

    Birth date: 3.23.93
    Gender: Female

    Ethnic Background: Spanish, Mexican, other
    Eye Color: Brown

    Hair Color: Black

    Freckles: Nope

    Moles: No

    Scars: Several on my arms and legs, and about three or four on my knuckles (I wander around outside without shoes or long pants/shirts a lot)

    Righty or Lefty?: Righty

    Religion: Atheist

    Political Party: No

    Country?: USA

    State/Province?: Oregon

    Marital Status?: Single

    Sexual Preference?: Straight

    Parents Divorced?: No

    Siblings? How many?: Yes, two brothers

    Children? How many?: No

    Best Friend (s): My buddy 'K'-and my family and pets

    Pets (names and what they are): Hagos (hamster), Mulan and Xanthan (goldfish), Shi-Zi-Wang and Angelina (bettas)

    Job?: No

    Schooling?: Homeschooled at 9th Grade level

    Car?: Not mine

    Play an Instrument?: Yeah, right

    Glasses or Contacts?: I need them, but...

    Jewelry?: A lion courage 'ring' around my neck

    Tattoo?: No

    Makeup?: No

    Zodiac Sign: Aries

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rooster


    Animal: Lion

    Color: Purple

    Country: Kenya

    State/Province: Washington

    Automobile: Hummer

    Shoe: Converse

    Number: .13

    Food: Pizza

    Fast Food Place and Food there: KFC Chicken

    Musical Instrument: Violin

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Water

    Season: Summer

    Actor: Uhhh...

    Actress: Mmm...

    Music Genre: Foreign

    Singer: Sali Oyugi

    Band: Haha...I dunno'

    Movie Genre: Animation

    Movie: The Lion King

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Simba

    Villain in Movie: Scar

    Book Genre: Non-fiction

    Book: Pfft, I don't know

    Author: I don't have one

    Board Game: Monopoly!

    Game Console: No

    Computer/Console Game: No

    Sport: Archery! *twang*

    Activity (Besides Sports): Exploring

    Website: I can't decide!

    Subject in School: African Studies

    Store: That World Market place...

    Gum: Juicy Fruit

    Candy: Snickers

    Email or IM: MSN

    Phone or in person: In person

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet

    Flavor: Citrus

    Cats or Dogs: Dogs

    Day or Night: Day

    IM Service: MSN

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: No

    Alcohol: A little with dinner, yeah

    Cigarettes/Cigars: No

    Chew: No

    Cuss/Swear: Not really

    Lie: Sometimes

    Stole: No

    Attempted Suicide: No

    Attempted Murder: No

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Yeah

    Got in a fight, did you win: Kinda' (define 'fight')

    Been shot: No

    Want to go to college: Yes

    Had an imaginary friend: No

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: Yes, I used to

    Had D?j? Vu: Yes

    Gone skinny dipping?: No

    Walk around nude?: Haha, no

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: It's a biological attraction designed to last roughly 18-24 months. So no, not really.

    Ever fallen in love?: No

    If so, at what age?: "

    How many times?: "

    Ever been dumped?: No

    How many times?: No

    Ever made out?: No

    Ever had Sex?: No

    Looks or Personality?: Uhh...Both!

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Neither?

    Believe in love at first sight?: No

    Do you want to get married?: No

    Define marriage and what it means to you: Marriage: n. an old tradition meant to control property. It doesn't mean much to me.

    Do you want/have kids?: Most likely not

    Boys name: A son would be Alexander (after my youngest brother)

    Girls name: A daughter would be Suzette (after my mother's middle name)

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Gone into Walmart when I wasn't supposed to (looong story)

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Gained friendship with 'vicious' animals (I haven't been alive THAT long)

    Funniest thing you?ve done: I dunno'

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Human OVERdevelopment

    Person/Place/Thing you love: My grandparent's house, Africa

    Country you hate besides your own: I don't really hate any country besides my own

    Country you love besides your own: I don't love my own! I love Kenya.

    Best feeling in the world: Euphoria

    Worst feeling in the world: Grief

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: No

    Do you believe in Abortion?: Yes

    Do you believe in Cloning?: No

    Do you believe in Guns?: Yes

    Do you believe in War?: Sometimes

    Do you believe in Hunting?: Sometimes

    Do you believe in Taxes?: No

    Do you believe in Texas?: Haha, yes

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Sure, why not?

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Reconstructive

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Yeeeah

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: Yes

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Neither

    Do you believe in Heaven?: No

    Do you believe in Hell?: No


    Hobbies: Animal Husbandry, reading, Internet, outdoor recreation, penpalling

    Collections: Plastic Animal Miniatures, Lion King paraphernalia

    Goals: Work in lion conservation, meet my penpals, publish a book...

    Dreams: Work in the African field promoting lion conservation and learning more about lions in a way that conserves their dignity and welbeing

    Fears: Human-caused world destruction

    Weaknesses: Animals, my familly

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'm sorry, I just had to add that =P: Sure!

    Most common emotion:

    Perfect Pizza: Thin wholegrain crust, easy on the cheese, piled with pepperoni, sausage, bacon, prosciutto, and other, assorted...pork products.

    What?s your favorite Memory: An idyllic day when I was nine-a barbecue in the summer with all of my family in the state, all of the dogs running around, water gun fights, tree climbing, eating, coloring, lazing around, camping-all in my grandparents' huge backyard

    Countries you?ve been to: Blah old USA

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Washington, Oregon, California

    What pet would you like: A dog, and maybe a couple rats

    Any additional information: I like pork?

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Yeh, sometimes

  15. #215
    Senior Member
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    Feb 2007
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    Name:Kiara (Carname that we can skip XD) (Mums name that?s weird) Theutenberg B. Larsson c/o (is that enough? Oo)
    Screen Names:C.T, Shakira, Cia_Carnival
    Nicknames:Kira, Ki, Kia, Kia Karnival, Shakira, Kiazz, Kisara, Lolita, Idiot, Weirdo, Hilary Duff, Layla, Sheila, Angelina Jolie, Tira (from those small kids who can?t say K yet XD)
    Birth date:November 21st 1987, 12.31 am to be exact XD
    Ethnic Background:Norweigan
    Eye Color:Blue
    Hair Color:Blonde and 65 cm long (but not any more) XD
    *edit* Length:5?3
    Freckles:During summer they?re visible in the face
    Moles:One on left lower shin and one on right side of stomach
    Scars:One under right eye, one over the two last left fingers, one on right thumb, one on right forefinger, one on each ear, one on left knee and lots on left arm
    Righty or Lefty:Both
    Religion:Protestant and half Christian
    Political Party:The Red Rose ... or none, actually <.< I never voted
    Marital Status:Not sure to be honest
    Parents Divorced?:Yesh, since 14 years ago
    Siblings:One brother (14) and three sisters (18, 26, 27)
    Friends: Fire and Shatty FTW (but i also know Phoenix, LK Stu, Martin, TX, Kanu, shadow, Kapasa, Ravey, DJ, Ika, Kharhaz, Nooni and Roogy)
    Pets:Mr. Noise (parakeet lookin like Pikachu)
    Schooling:Graduated 2006
    Car:Audi 80; TLK Edition
    Play an Instrument:Piano, Flagolette, Drums, Guitarr, Panflute
    Glasses or Contacts:Glasses
    Jewelry:3 earrings in right ear, 4 earrings in left ear, nosepin on left side, ring in belly button, ring in left little finger nail, a ring on right middle finger, a bindi and always use a necklace and bracelet that mostly match the clothes
    Tattoo:Two eyes on the neck
    Makeup:God no *hate* I have a better self esteem than so
    Zodiac Sign:Scorpio
    Chinese Zodiac Sign:Rabbit
    Color:Blue, beige and military green
    Country:US and Africa
    Automobile:Yellow Beetle <3
    Shoe:Regular sneekers
    Number:3 and 9
    Food:Chicken Teriyaki and Mango Sherbet
    Drink:O?boy, but also liked Dr Pepper very much
    Actor:Chris Rock
    Music Genre:Rock and Hiphop
    Band:ABBA and Nightwish
    Movie Genre:Horror
    Movies:Bes?karna, the Black Knight, Head of State, Att Ang?ra En Brygga, The Hot Chick, Blair Witch Project, White Chicks
    Hero in Movie:Timmy ^^
    Book:Duh, I so don?t read dude ?
    Board Game:Monopoly, Battletech and Senet
    Sport:Shinty, Skateboard, Basket, Football
    Website:Lea Halalela, The Nightwish Forum and the Official Rubix Cube home
    Store:The Disney Store in Buffalo was quite cool
    Gum:Yuck ...
    Candy:OMG SKITTLES!!!!!!!!!111
    Email or IM:IM FTW
    Phone or in person:In person
    TV or Radio or Internet:*hate TV and radio (shrugs)*
    Favorite Flavor: Chocolate, Mango and Melon
    Cats or Dogs:Zomg kitteh!
    Day or Night:Night, sleep is a crutch
    Favorite IM Service:MSN rocks
    [size=large]Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..[/size]
    Drugs:Recently morphine yes
    Alcohol:Red wine
    Chew:No, but tried grandpas when i was 6
    Cuss/Swear:Did a lot but with my work I need to stay low ...
    Lie:If i say no you wont believe me, but if i say yes it would be a lie ..
    Attempted Suicide:Yesh
    Attempted Murder:Nope
    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone:I made my right shoulder jump out from its place, then I have been having injuries in my left hand, knee and right foot
    Got in a fight, did you win:Yesh a lot, and I won everytime
    Been shot:Yesh but not with a real killing bullet
    Had an imaginary friend:Yesh I have one called God
    Wanted to be the opposite sex:During certain periods yes
    Had D?j? Vu:Obviously
    Gone skinny dipping:No
    Walk around nude:Uhm ... technically yesh XD
    [size=large]Love Life[/size]
    Is Love real:Love is fake and causes troubles
    Ever fallen in love:Yup
    If so, at what age:4, 11, 17, 18 and 19 prolly
    Ever been dumped:Nope, but i have dumped >:3
    Ever made out:Yes
    Ever had Sex:Ayup, and tis scary
    Looks or Personality:Both
    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?:So ugly you'd have nightmares in ages after, but dont ask someone else about that XD
    Believe in love at first sight:Depends
    Do you want to get married:Not sure, maybe
    Do you want kids:Omg, no way >_<
    [size=large]The most[/size]
    Stupidest thing you?ve done:Never did what i could WHEN i could
    Greatest thing you?ve done:Succeed to get the driving license, beated up the 4x4x4 cube, getting pwnd in Megamek, and when managed to go to US all myself without get lost O_O
    Funniest thing you?ve done:Traveling ^^. Also the graduation and the Super Mario show + some other choir performances etc. It was fun to see TLKoB as well.
    Person/Place/Thing you hate:Mum/Airports/Turn out left on bigger road
    Person/Place/Thing you love:Bro/My own flat ^^/My mp3<3
    Country you hate besides your own:Uh ... What about Russia? Oo
    Country you love besides your own: US<3<3<3
    Best feeling in the world:Knowing you're loved
    Worst feeling in the world:When you wait for something terrible you know will happen in any second and you want to sink down in the ground of embarrassment
    [size=large]Politics & Religion[/size]
    Believe in God:Told ya already
    Believe in Abortion:Yup
    Believe in Cloning:Nope
    Believe in Guns:Yup
    Believe in War:Yup
    Believe in Hunting:Yup
    Believe in Taxes:Yup
    Believe in Texas:Yup
    Believe in Gay Marriage:Yup
    Believe in Plastic Surgery:Not yup for once
    Was OJ Simpson guilty?:Who? Oo
    Is Michael Jackson guilty?:I think so
    Believe in Heaven:No
    Believe in Hell:Yes that would be at home
    Hobbies:Uh ... wall ... climbing? Oo I also like to skate, cube with the Rubix cube, draw, poking friend, megameking, write, sing, play piano, walk around, chat, RP, work, do dangerous things and so on ...
    Collections:TLK, Lions in general, ABBA stoof and my Nightwish CDs/DVDs
    Dreams:Beat up the 9x9x9 cube ^^
    Fears:Lose the one you love
    Weaknesses:Hard to say no ^^
    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?:No XD
    Most common emotion:The crazeh one
    Perfect Pizza:Kebabpizza, and prolly with those Buffalo chicken wings beside would be great
    What?s your favorite Memory:That would give you a year of constant reading .. Seeing the Niagara Falls and Nightwish live (O_O!) was very cool tho
    Countries you?ve been to:England, USA, Holland, Germany, Spain, Greece, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland
    States you?ve been to:Uhm ... ? Munich, Dafsomething (Germany), Washington, Rhodos Island, New York, stuffs in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Marbella, Malaga, Mallorca, Buffalo, London, Oslo, Kopenhagen, ?land, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Sundsvall, Amsterdam, V?ster?s, Eskilstuna, Ving?ker
    Any additional information:I?m a nut ?\(?_o)/?
    Do you enjoy Questionnaires:Totally kicks ***

  16. #216
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2005
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    First Name: Sherry

    Screen Name (s): Lion~lover
    Nicknames?: Sherr, SherrBear, SherrSherr, Stone-Dawg (because of my last name)

    Birth date: Jule 8th
    Gender: Female

    Ethnic Background: I'm stupid :P cause i dont know wat Ethnic background is haha
    Eye Color: GREEN and some blue

    Hair Color: Dirty Blonde

    Freckles: None

    Moles: ummm 3?

    Scars: One on my hand

    Righty or Lefty?: I'm a righty

    Religion: Christin (cant spell)

    Political Party: ??

    Country?: Canada

    State/Province?: -----

    Marital Status?: Dating-long term

    Sexual Preference?: ???

    Parents Divorced?: Yah for 2 years?

    Siblings? How many?: Umm a big brother and a lil brother

    Children? How many?: None ...YET

    Best Friend (s): Many

    Pets (names and what they are): Puppy-Roc-ee...and many cats on tthe farm

    Job?: Babysitting

    Schooling?: High School

    Car?: One i drive on the farm..dont know wat it called

    Play an Instrument?: Nope. I joined a diffrent class

    Glasses or Contacts?: Glasses

    Jewelry?: Nah

    Tattoo?: Want one, but no

    Makeup?: Yes sir

    Zodiac Sign: Cancer

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Monkey?


    Animal: Cougar

    Color: Blue-Red-Pink

    Country: ..ummm

    State/Province: B.C

    Automobile: Sti? aww i unno wat its called

    Shoe: Chucks

    Number: 69

    Food: KD

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Subway-Sub

    Musical Instrument: Drums

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Saskatoon water

    Season: Summer winter

    Actor: Jim carry

    Actress: hmmm

    Music Genre: ...iunno

    Singer: Eminem

    Band: Panic! at the disco

    Movie Genre: a lot

    Movie: Fly Boys

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Not sure

    Villain in Movie: Ummm

    Book Genre: The outsiders

    Book: The outsiders

    Author: S. E. Hinton

    Board Game: Life- Monopoly

    Game Console: PC or PS3

    Computer/Console Game: Sims 2

    Sport: Basketball

    Activity (Besides Sports): Horse riding?


    Subject in School: Life skills

    Store: Claries maybe..

    Gum: Oh anything, i love it

    Candy: not sure

    Email or IM: ...

    Phone or in person: Person

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet

    Flavor: Ummm buble gum?

    Cats or Dogs: Cats

    Day or Night: love em both

    IM Service: msn

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: no..but been asked

    Alcohol: yes, first time ever a week ago >.<

    Cigarettes/Cigars: nope, but been asked

    Chew: no sir, but once again i have been asked to

    Cuss/Swear: Yah, i should cut bak

    Lie: yes

    Stole: yes

    Attempted Suicide: Nooo

    Attempted Murder: Nope

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Not yet

    Got in a fight, did you win: Yes...and yes i did

    Been shot: Nope, been pointed at by my cuzen haha

    Want to go to college: Not sure, prolly will thou

    Had an imaginary friend: Yes, his name is Jason

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: No haha,

    Had D?j? Vu: Many times

    Gone skinny dipping?: I will this summer

    Walk around nude?: Who hasnt

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yes

    Ever fallen in love?: yes and still am

    If so, at what age?: 14

    How many times?: 1

    Ever been dumped?: Yes

    How many times: once

    Ever made out?: yes

    Ever had Sex?: For me to know

    Looks or Personality?: Both ..

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Totaly Ugly

    Believe in love at first sight?: Yes, happened to me, and now i have my love to this day

    Do you want to get married?: yes

    Define marriage and what it means to you: just be with the one i love..iunno

    Do you want/have kids?: YES

    Boys name: Johnny hehe or Joey or Codi

    Girls name: Roxy< my moms name

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Trusted one of my friends haha, and watched curling in the smallest wooden chair ever for 6 hours, and i was so unhappy and i was on t.v thou

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Went on the coolest ride eva!

    Funniest thing you?ve done: Getting Pants

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Cuzen/DoctorsOffice/Needles

    Person/Place/Thing you love: Cameron/Home/Family(yes my family is a thing haha)

    Country you hate besides your own: Dont hate any...but annoyed with one

    Country you love besides your own: All of em

    Best feeling in the world: Falling in love

    Worst feeling in the world: Loseing someone

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Yes i do

    Do you believe in Abortion?: Only if raped

    Do you believe in Cloning?: Darn right i do

    Do you believe in Guns?: Umm sure

    Do you believe in War?: Dont think it should happen..

    Do you believe in Hunting?: Not really, but hey you gotta eat

    Do you believe in Taxes?: NO!

    Do you believe in Texas?: Okay, wat yes?

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Dont care, as long as you love each other haha

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: some need it haha

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: dont care

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: umm

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: .....

    Do you believe in Heaven?: Yes i do

    Do you believe in Hell?: Yes i sure do


    Hobbies: Drawing , writing stories, phone, computer, riding horses, driven around, and other things

    Collections: Dont collect anyhting anymore i dont think

    Goals: Get married, have kids, be a writer, move outta this small town

    Dreams: Got some...

    Fears: The Mcdonals Clown he scares me

    Weaknesses: Not saying haha

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: haha wat???

    Most common emotion: For me? well being happy

    Perfect Pizza: erm.. cheese haha

    What?s your favorite Memory: Me and my big bro playing together...but now we to old to haha

    Countries you?ve been to: Only mine..But will be going to France and Erupe in 2008 sometiem in April

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Many

    What pet would you like: A cougar!

    Any additional information: Love my phone

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Loves them

    >.THAT WAS LONG.< haha

  17. #217
    Senior Member Lweek's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Czech republic - EU
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    First Name: Vladimir

    Screen Name (s): plenty
    Nicknames?: Lweek

    Birth date: 4.2.82
    Gender: male

    Ethnic Background: LOL, Probably Slavonian
    Eye Color: kinda Blue

    Hair Color: dark brown

    Freckles: few

    Moles: ?

    Scars: Few, not really visible ones.

    Righty or Lefty?: Righty

    Religion: none, but I belive in high spirit

    Political Party: I hate politic

    Country?: Czech republic

    State/Province?: Severocesky kraj

    Marital Status?: Single

    Sexual Preference?: Heterosexual

    Parents Divorced?: nope

    Siblings? How many?: two older brothers

    Children? How many?: nope

    Best Friend (s): Not really many, maybe four of them .. I really need to make some

    Pets (names and what they are): I live with parents and they have dog and two cats

    Job?: Freelance programmer

    Schooling?: High school, not finalized university study

    Car?: nope

    Play an Instrument?: nope, but mixing

    Glasses or Contacts?: Glasess, 0,5 and 1 di

    Jewelry?: golden chainlet with my zodiac

    Tattoo?: nope

    Makeup?: oh GOD no!

    Zodiac Sign: not sure how to call it in english, maybe "sea serpent?" or so ..

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dog


    Animal: Lions of course

    Color: Brownish

    Country: Hmm, not sure. Middle or south Africa, maybe.


    Automobile: Nissan

    Shoe: lol

    Number:. 5

    Food: pizza, kebab .....

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Kebab house

    Musical Instrument:

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Pepsi, Cola, Tonic, good water ...

    Season: Fall



    Music Genre: Chillout, but not only

    Singer: Phil Collins?

    Band: Genesis

    Movie Genre: Sci-fi, Comedy, Animated movies

    Movie: The Lion King, Return to The future, To walk with Lions, Ghost and The Shadow ,... etc

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: X

    Villain in Movie: LOL

    Book Genre: male books

    Book: Actualy "photo hunts"

    Author: Rostislav Stach

    Board Game: Chess

    Game Console: SNES, Xbox360

    Computer/Console Game: The Lion King

    Sport: DDR, Horse riding ..

    Activity (Besides Sports): lounging, listening to music, photography ..


    Subject in School: Eh ..

    Store: MegaPhoto

    Gum: Primeros?

    Candy: Yummy .. well, mazipan?

    Email or IM: (GTalk)

    Phone or in person: My SE K750i

    TV or Radio or Internet: chillout lounge

    Flavor: Hard to describe

    Cats or Dogs: Cats

    Day or Night: Both

    IM Service: Jabber, Skype

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: no

    Alcohol: Yes

    Cigarettes/Cigars: no, just harmless waterpipe with fruit tabaco

    Chew: yes

    Cuss/Swear: hm?

    Lie: sometime yes, as everybody, but maybe less than everybody, people hate me sometime because I mostly always tell a truth

    Stole: nope

    Attempted Suicide: nope

    Attempted Murder: NOPE

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: nope

    Got in a fight, did you win: Yes, at basic school .. sometime yes, sometime no

    Been shot: heh, nope

    Want to go to college: I have been at one

    Had an imaginary friend: nope

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: yes, just wonder how it is, I'm curious

    Had D?j? Vu: yes

    Gone skinny dipping?: hmm no?

    Walk around nude?: Yes

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yes and no. Love is real, but maybe not as real as you think?

    Ever fallen in love?: Yes

    If so, at what age?: Platonicaly with Nala @ my 15, but IRL 19

    How many times?: LOL, hmm

    Ever been dumped?: dunno what it mean. If it mean leaved by girlfriend, then yes

    How many times?: Oh well, few times

    Ever made out?: ?

    Ever had Sex?: Yes, and like it

    Looks or Personality?: Both, but personality is more important to be ideal

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Something middle

    Believe in love at first sight?: Yes

    Do you want to get married?: Yes

    Define marriage and what it means to you: Well, I heard somewhere, that marriage is for family and relative. For me, more important is truth and love.

    Do you want/have kids?: Yes

    Boys name: Are you kidding?

    Girls name: - || -

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: depends on

    Greatest thing you?ve done: depends on

    Funniest thing you?ve done: depends on

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: better do not say

    Person/Place/Thing you love: better do not say

    Country you hate besides your own: never think about

    Country you love besides your own: Maybe Masai mara?

    Best feeling in the world: Get loved

    Worst feeling in the world: Lost loved

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: no, but I belive in spirit

    Do you believe in Abortion?: ? LOL, yes I belive it exists

    Do you believe in Cloning?: ? LOL, yes I belive it exists

    Do you believe in Guns?: ? LOL, yes I belive it exists

    Do you believe in War?: ? OH, yes I belive it exists

    Do you believe in Hunting?: ? I do it my self, with photocamera

    Do you believe in Taxes?: You should belive too.

    Do you believe in Texas?: Yes, it exists

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Who done this form??

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: No comment

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: don't ask me

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: why should I?

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Rice und Carry

    Do you believe in Heaven?: I live in heaven, maybe

    Do you believe in Hell?: What the hell?


    Hobbies: Photography, music, movies, computers, electronic .. programming

    Collections: Just around TLK

    Goals: don't know, maybe get my bussines to live

    Dreams: Work with lions and photography

    Fears: Dentist

    Weaknesses: I don't know right now

    Most common emotion: every

    Perfect Pizza: With ham, egs, a lot of cheese ..

    What?s your favorite Memory: I don't know

    Countries you?ve been to: It's a long list

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: - || -

    What pet would you like: Lion, collie

    Any additional information: I'm looking for frends, I lost many friendships in last few years and I miss to have persons to share my life with. Especialy girls are very welcome, since I have a lot things to solve in case of about my look to girls. *shrugs*

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Sometime it was fun, sometime very weird and USA oriented question .. just imho

  18. #218
    And at last I see KanuTGL's Avatar
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    Right, trying again. Hopefully I won't accidentally close the browser this time *rolls eyes* Can't believe this thread's still alive too O:


    First Name: Anna

    Screen Name (s): KanuTGL, KanuTGL/Axell, Akeruru


    Nicknames?: Kanu, Kannie... uh, I think that's it.

    Birth date: 90-07-02

    Gender: Female

    Ethnic Background: Swedish. Nothing else what I know.

    Eye Color: Blueish

    Hair Color: Some sort of dark blonde I think. Golden maybe.

    Freckles: None.

    Moles: I still dunno what that means xP

    Scars: A few I think...

    Righty or Lefty?: Right-handed

    Religion: Can't say I'm part of one, but can't say I'm not either...

    Political Party: -

    Country?: Sweden!

    State/Province?: Sk?ne (try and pronounce that xD)

    Marital Status?: Hmm... Tough one. Gimme some time and I'll see.

    Sexual Preference?: I do prefer guys xP

    Parents Divorced?: No.

    Siblings? How many?: Two younger bros.

    Children? How many?: None o.O

    Best Friend (s): I've a few, yeah :-)

    Pets (names and what they are): Zig-Zag the cat, and various other little critters we could live without xP

    Job?: Nope, looking for one though...

    Schooling?: Is in Upper Secondary School, first year.

    Car?: None of my own, no xP

    Play an Instrument?: Drums, some piano and some guitar

    Glasses or Contacts?: -

    Jewelry?: At times.

    Tattoo?: No.

    Makeup?: A little bit, but not much.

    Zodiac Sign: Cancer

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Horse


    Animal: All big cats, most canines and horses. Yeah, I really stand out don't I?

    Color: Green and blue :3

    Country: Hmm... I dunno. Japan? They've my favourite language at least xP

    State/Province: Dunno.

    Automobile: Dunno, I'm not much into that xP

    Shoe: Uhm... Comfortable ones?

    Number: 2!

    Food: Mm... Tacos and Chicken Tikka Masala

    Fast Food Place and Food there: How 'bout Burger King? Their chips are the best at least xP

    Musical Instrument: Drums! And piano maybe.

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Ehm... Apple... juice...?

    Season: Summer I think

    Actor: Haley Joel Osment (KH-Sora) Johnny Depp and Jonathan Taylor Thomas xP

    Actress: Hmm...

    Music Genre: Rock, punk and Sountrack I believe

    Singer: Anthony Kiedis, Phil Lynott, Miku... Uuh... And many others I can't think of right now.

    Band: RHCP, Thin Lizzy and various others.

    Movie Genre: Animated (2D!), Comedy, Adventure

    Movie: The Lion King, Balto, Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings Trilogy and Star Wars.

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Balto, Simba, Luke Skywalker and Peregrin Took and Meriadoc Brandybuck x)

    Villain in Movie: Scar!

    Book Genre: Adventure, Fantasy

    Book: The Redwall series

    Author: Brian Jaques, Mary Stewart

    Board Game: "Galenpanna" maybe? xD

    Game Console: PS2

    Computer/Console Game: KINGDOM HEARTS.

    Sport: Horseback-riding. And archery, ooh, archery. Never tried it though =/

    Activity (Besides Sports): Draw, write, chat, draw and roleplay. I said draw didn't I?

    Website: TLKFAA, Lilymud and TLKGO (Sorry Lea xD)

    Subject in School: I don't really have one atm... >.> Maths? >.<

    Store: Disney Store?

    Gum: Huh?

    Candy: Liqurice, sour stuff and chocolate.

    Email or IM: IM

    Phone or in person: In Person

    TV or Radio or Internet: Teh Internetzz

    Flavor: Hmm...

    Cats or Dogs: I don't know, can't choose o.O

    Day or Night: Night.

    IM Service: MSN

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: NO.

    Alcohol: No.

    Cigarettes/Cigars: NO.

    Chew: And... that is?

    Cuss/Swear: When I'm angry... xP

    Lie: I prefer not to.

    Stole: Hmm... Does stealing stuff from the fridge count? xP

    Attempted Suicide: No.

    Attempted Murder: Nuh uh, never!

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Sprained my ankle twice, and my wrist once.

    Got in a fight, did you win: Ehm, what kind of fight? Physical? Never been in one. Debates? At times xD

    Been shot: No.

    Want to go to college: Dun think we really have that here.

    Had an imaginary friend: Yeah, Rasmus the dog! xD

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: It has happened...

    Had D?j? Vu: Often o.O

    Gone skinny dipping?: Gone what?

    Walk around nude?: Ehm, no xP

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yes.

    Ever fallen in love?: Oh, yes... >.>

    If so, at what age?: 10, 13 and 16. But most of them were just crushes I had.

    How many times?: *counts* 5

    Ever been dumped?: Yeah.

    How many times?: Once, since I've only been in that kind of relationship once... *shrug*

    Ever made out?: Not really.

    Ever had Sex?: No.

    Looks or Personality?: Both are good xP But Personality comes first. Always.

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Don't ask me...

    Believe in love at first sight?: Mmm... Maybe.

    Do you want to get married?: If I'd one day meet the right person, yes.

    Define marriage and what it means to you: "A bond between two people who are deeply in love and want to spend the rest of their lives together--you can be in love without it, but it sort of defines it for the world to see." - FC. Fits my opinion well too.

    Do you want/have kids?: Same goes here; if I find the right person.

    Boys name: Haven't really thought of it much... Joakim maybe.

    Girls name: No idea o.O

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Oh, there's a lot... But for some reason, I can't think of anything right now... xP

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Only thing I can think of atm was to start at Campeon, finally found a group of good people again where I feel accepted.

    Funniest thing you?ve done: The Parrot Sketch in front of my class x) I so wanna do it again!

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Oh, yes, there is someone >.>/School on early mornings.../Hmm...

    Person/Place/Thing you love: All of my precious friends, thatcertainpersonIhappentolikeverymuchyouknowwhoyo ueareAdam xP/By the sea or in the woods/This computer I guess ^^;

    Country you hate besides your own: How am I supposed to know?

    Country you love besides your own: Most of the English-speaking ones I guess... And Japan! xD

    Best feeling in the world: Love (as long as it's mutual) and to feel you belong somewhere.

    Worst feeling in the world: Feeling rejected and lonely...

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: There are times... So maybe I do.

    Do you believe in Abortion?: If it's necessary.

    Do you believe in Cloning?: Hmm... I can't see how it could be so useful though.

    Do you believe in Guns?: Well, we all know they exist, right?

    Do you believe in War?: They are real too. Even if one could wish they weren't...

    Do you believe in Hunting?: Well, it sorta has to be done. But hunting for fun is just plain... evil...

    Do you believe in Taxes?: Well... They exist too, right? And what'd we do without them?

    Do you believe in Texas?:'s right there on the map... xP

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Why not?

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: For people who need it. Mark the word "need".

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Who?

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: *shrug*

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Not Bush at least.

    Do you believe in Heaven?: Hmm...

    Do you believe in Hell?: Hmm...


    Hobbies: Draw and experiment with Photoshop, play intruments, music in general, sculpting some at times and write.

    Collections: TLK-stuff (not a big one though xP), plushies!

    Goals: At the moment (and for another 2? years): To make it out of school alive and with good grades.

    Dreams: To find that special someone... And just... to have a good life in general. But everyone dreams of that don't they?

    Fears: To lose my friends or anyone close.

    Weaknesses: My low confidence in myself...

    Most common emotion: At the moment, Content. And if not that; Tired -.-

    Perfect Pizza: Plain cheese and tomatosauce. I am boring xP

    What?s your favorite Memory: Sleep-over at friend's house with "the gang" x) And a 2-mile walk with a (former) friend... Still one of my favourite memories.

    Countries you?ve been to: Denmark, England, Switzerland, France, Germany.

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Canarie Islands, Mallorca (so should Spain be up there?)

    What pet would you like: A dog...

    Any additional information: What else is there to know about me?

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: I do in fact xD |
    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person:
    Shadow, This Land, King Simba, Daniel, Lion King Stu, Amaryllis, Safila,
    Sharifu, Sadiki, Taneli, Leorgathar, Nathalie and Lucy!

  19. #219
    Senior Member This Land's Avatar
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    First Name: Adam

    Screen Name (s):This Land, TL, Landy
    Email:yes :P
    Nicknames?: Chuckie

    Birth date: 20th January 1989

    Ethnic Background: British
    Eye Color: Dodgy - blue, but then turns more hazel as it gets to the pupil

    Hair Color: Ginger/Brown

    Freckles: yep

    Moles: nope

    Scars: Yer

    Righty or Lefty?: Righty

    Religion: none, also agnostic

    Political Party: i dont do politics

    Country?: Gd Old England

    Marital Status?: In Relationship

    Sexual Preference?: Female

    Parents Divorced?: yer

    Siblings? How many?: 1 Big Brother

    Children? How many?:0

    Best Friend (s): Too many to Name, you know who you are

    Pets (names and what they are): 2 Dogs, Flossy and Kale

    Job?: Greengrocer

    Schooling?: Done and gone

    [s]Car?[/s] Motorbike: Oh yes, Honda CBR 125

    Play an Instrument?: Piano

    Glasses or Contacts?: None

    Jewelry?: no

    Tattoo?: no

    Makeup?: no

    Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

    Chinese Zodiac Sign:


    Animal: Lion

    Color: Green

    Country: not any in particular


    Automobile: Honda CBR Fireblade

    Shoe: Favorite Shoe Oo

    Number: 23

    Food: Chicken

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Subway

    Musical Instrument: Piano

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Coke, banana Milkshake, Guinness, abbot ale, IPA

    Season: Summer, autumn

    Actor: Jim carry, Keanu Reeves

    Actress: Angelina Jolie

    Music Genre: Old Rock, Trance, Movie Sound Tracks

    Band: Black Sabbath, UFO, Guns and Roses, Enomine

    Movie Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Space, Action

    Movie: Have loads, - TLK, Blue Streak, Star Wars, Lord Of The Rings, The Number 23, Ace Ventura 1 & 2

    Villain in Movie: Scar, who else

    Board Game: Monoply

    Game Console:Xbox

    Computer/Console Game: Path Of Neo

    Sport: Rugby

    Activity (Besides Sports): Motorcyle Riding


    Subject in School: Technology

    Store: dont have one

    Gum: Spear mint

    Candy: have too many to name

    Email or IM: Favourite Email?

    Phone or in person: confusing

    TV or Radio or Internet: My Favorite TV...the one in my bedroom i guess..../ Favorite this don't make sense

    Flavor: Banana

    Cats or Dogs: Dogs

    Day or Night: Day

    IM Service: MSN

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: Once, Never Again

    Alcohol: Yep,

    Cigarettes/Cigars: Yeah, But Gonna Quit

    Chew: Always Chew Your Food

    Cuss/Swear: Yep, in the right situations

    Lie: yeah

    Stole: Once or twice, but its stupid now

    Attempted Suicide: Had thoughts

    Attempted Murder: Nope

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Yep

    Got in a fight, did you win: Nope, never had a fight

    Been shot: Nope

    Want to go to college: Been and Gone

    Had an imaginary friend: Nope,

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: Nope

    Had D?j? Vu: Loads

    Gone skinny dipping?:

    Walk around nude?: nope

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Oh Yes

    Ever fallen in love?: Yep

    If so, at what age?: 16, 17 & 18

    How many times?:3

    Ever been dumped?: yer

    How many times?: 1

    Ever made out?: ?

    Ever had Sex?: yes

    Looks or Personality?: Personality Comes first ^^

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: what do you think?

    Believe in love at first sight?: yep

    Do you want to get married?: later on in life, not now

    Do you want/have kids?: I dont know

    Boys name:

    Girls name:

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Crashed Into The Back of MR Payne's Car

    Greatest thing you?ve done: stopped somone from dying

    Funniest thing you?ve done: i dunno

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Mouldy Onions, they make me puke ><

    Person/Place/Thing you love: Kanu, countryside at night and computers

    Country you hate besides your own: none

    Country you love besides your own: I will Love sweden, because sweden has a person i love :P, Look above

    Best feeling in the world: Love and Accomplishment

    Worst feeling in the world: Guilt,

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Im Agnostic

    Do you believe in Abortion?: Only If The Child will have severe disabilities or no quaility of life

    Do you believe in Cloning?: No

    Do you believe in Guns?: Only For Non - Hunting Sports

    Do you believe in War?: not sure

    Do you believe in Hunting?: no

    Do you believe in Taxes?: Yes, if its spent wisley by the goverment

    Do you believe in Texas?: ?

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yes, everbosy should have the free will to marry what ever gender they want

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: no

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?:

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?:

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?:

    Do you believe in Heaven?: dunno

    Do you believe in Hell?: dunno


    Hobbies: Computers, Bikes, Rolepaying

    Collections: Some TLK

    Goals: live till i die

    Dreams: ?

    Fears: Death,

    Weaknesses: Im too soft :P

    What?s your favorite Memory: I Forgot

    Countries you?ve been to: Spain, England, Germany, New Zealand, lanzarote , Scotland, Singapore, and soon to be going to sweden

    States/Provinces you?ve been to:

    What pet would you like: Lion, that would be awsome, take your lion down to the local park if its hungry, plenty of Dogs there XD, nah im not that cruel :P

    Any additional information:

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: some

  20. #220
    Senior Member
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    First Name: Ryan

    Screen Name (s): Pntbll248
    Nicknames?: Pnt, Noodles IRL

    Birth date: October 25
    Gender: Male

    Ethnic Background: Caucasian & Blackfoot Native American
    Eye Color: Blue

    Hair Color: Brown

    Freckles: Very few

    Moles: Very few

    Scars: Some

    Righty or Lefty?: Righty

    Religion: Non-denominational Christian, but I'm most like liberal quaker

    Political Party: Libertarian

    Country?: United States of America

    State/Province?: Ohio

    Marital Status?: Non-married

    Sexual Preference?: Bisexual

    Parents Divorced?: No

    Siblings? How many?: One sister

    Children? How many?: None

    Best Friend (s): Won't release their names without permission

    Pets (names and what they are): Mittens - Cat, Sadie - Flat Coated Retriever, Splat - Goldfish, Squirt - Slightly smaller goldfish

    Job?: Paintball referee amongst other things

    Schooling?: College

    Car?: Maroon 1994 Mercury Villager

    Play an Instrument?: Ukulele

    Glasses or Contacts?: Glasses, but I rarely wear them

    Jewelry?: Sometimes a watch

    Tattoo?: I may get one on my back

    Makeup?: No

    Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rat, I think


    Animal: Dolphin

    Color: I like them all

    Country: I love my country

    State/Province: They all have some cool things

    Automobile: Maroon 1994 Mercury Villager

    Shoe: Comfortable

    Number: 7

    Food: Ramen Noodles

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Chipotle (Fajita Burrito w/ Extra Fajita, Extra Shredded Beef, Black Beans, Rice, Pico de Gallo, Sour Cream, and Cheese)

    Musical Instrument: Ukulele

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Strawberry Daquari

    Season: I like them all

    Actor: Morgan Freeman

    Actress: I dunno

    Music Genre: Rock

    Singer: Hootie and the Blowfish lead singer

    Band: Goo Goo Dolls or Floggin Molly

    Movie Genre: I like them all

    Movie: Forest Gump

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Forest Gump

    Villain in Movie: Scar

    Book Genre: I like them all

    Book: Moby Dick

    Author: Michael Crichton

    Board Game: Chess

    Game Console: Super Nintendo!

    Computer/Console Game: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

    Sport: Paintball or Skiing (If you consider those sports)

    Activity (Besides Sports): Paintabll or Skiing (If you don't), Computer Art

    Website: I'll unveil it soon

    Subject in School: Science

    Store: Z Gallery

    Gum: Spearmint

    Candy: I love milk chocolate

    Email or IM: pntbll248 - AIM, - MSN

    Phone or in person: In Person

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet

    Flavor: All, though sweet only in moderation

    Cats or Dogs: Both are cool, but I favor dogs

    Day or Night: Night

    IM Service: AIM

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: A long time ago

    Alcohol: A long time ago

    Cigarettes/Cigars: Very infrequently

    Chew: No

    Cuss/Swear: I used to quite a bit, but I've cut back since

    Lie: I try not to, but we all do

    Stole: Nothing expensive, and a long time ago

    Attempted Suicide: A long time ago

    Attempted Murder: No

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Yes

    Got in a fight, did you win: Unfortunately, though I've chosen not to resort to violence again

    Been shot: Yes, but not by someone maliciously intending to harm me and there wasn't much injury.

    Want to go to college: I am going to College

    Had an imaginary friend: A very long time ago

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: Not really. I've wondered what it'd be like before, but no more than the next person

    Had D?j? Vu: Yes

    Gone skinny dipping?: Often

    Walk around nude?: Often

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yes

    Ever fallen in love?: Yes

    If so, at what age?: Hard to say

    How many times?: Once

    Ever been dumped?: Many a time

    How many times?: ^

    Ever made out?: Yes

    Ever had Sex?: -

    Looks or Personality?: I think both are important

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Average

    Believe in love at first sight?: Sure

    Do you want to get married?: Eventually

    Define marriage and what it means to you: An legal (and usually religious) acknowledgement of the love between two people and their committment to stay in a monogamous relationship for the rest of their lives.

    Do you want/have kids?: Eventually

    Boys name: We'll cross that bridge when we get to it

    Girls name: Likewise

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Didn't tell the one person I've ever truly fallen in love with how I felt until it was too late.

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Tried to learn 3D art

    Funniest thing you?ve done: There's a funny reason why I'm known as "That Guy in the Boots" to a neighboring school district. I may share that story someday.

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: I don't really hate people. Can't really hate a place or a thing.

    Person/Place/Thing you love: I love quite a few people.

    Country you hate besides your own: I don't agree with some, but I don't hate any.

    Country you love besides your own: Australia, quite possibly the most sincere ally of the US. I really like England and Japan as well.

    Best feeling in the world: Knowing that you're important and loved

    Worst feeling in the world: Feeling the opposite of above

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Yes

    Do you believe in Abortion?: I don't think abortion is right in most cases, but I don't believe there should be laws made banning it, as it's not the government's place to get involved in the private affairs of families.

    Do you believe in Cloning?: I don't think cloning human beings is acceptable. Otherwise, yes.

    Do you believe in Guns?: Yes

    Do you believe in War?: I do not believe any war is right. I do believe in self-defense, however.

    Do you believe in Hunting?: Yes

    Do you believe in Taxes?: They are necessary, but I believe in a fair tax that does not raise or lower depending on economic class. I think that higher taxes for rich people punishes success and hard work.

    Do you believe in Texas?: Our elders spoke of this vast land eons ago. Sadly, we have since realized this to be but a myth.

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yes

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Yes - It's their money, and if it makes them happier or more confident, go for it.

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Legally, he was not found guilty

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: Legally, he was not found guilty

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: None. Also, while I don't agree with the vast majory of the things he has done, I do admire and respect President Bush in that he does what he wholeheartedly believes is right instead of playing some BS political game.

    Do you believe in Heaven?: Yes

    Do you believe in Hell?: Yes, but not as it is portrayed. Also, I do not like it being used as a scare tactic.


    Hobbies: Art, skiing, paintball, computers, hanging out, trying new things, food

    Collections: I know I have some

    Goals: Ride across America on a bike (training for that), Skydive, earn a PhD., lead a fulfilling life and do some good for the world.

    Dreams: ^

    Fears: Being lonely, rejected, and abandoned

    Weaknesses: I can get a bit hot-headed, though I've vastly improved. I also over-analyze a lot

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: Yes, yes he is.

    Most common emotion: Anxious or happy

    Perfect Pizza: California Pizza Kitchen has one called the "California Club," which is awesome.

    What?s your favorite Memory: Sitting next to a field full of fireflies with that one person that I fell in love with but was too afraid to say so until it was just too late. It was a beautiful scene, everything was quite, and it was just really cool. Inspired Lampyridae

    Countries you?ve been to: USA, Canada, England, Wales, Ireland, Spain, France, others that I may have forgotten

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Quite a few

    What pet would you like: A velociraptor to do my bidding

    Any additional information: I'm looking for riding companions to join me on my bike ride across the country. I've had to move the ride back to summer of 2008 because I'm going to be transferring colleges this sumemr, and this new college has a completely different schedule setup, so I can't meet the time requirements this summer. I already have at least one person who wants to go, and the more the merrier. By the by, if Sonique (Alias: Elliot) reads this, can you please change my username back to pntbll248? If so, I would be forever greatful for your sheer awesomeness having graced my humble account.

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: I do.

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