FC's sea-green eyes scanned the rocks below as Twilight finally came into view--soaked, but oddly majestic looking in his own way. Of course he was of no compare to his father, yet, but there was still an heir of grace about him that FC had to admire from afar. He watched the young prince only a few years his senior deal with the two rogues who were seemingly harmless.

But one could never be too certain when dealing with rogues--afterall, things weren't always as they seemed...

FC's eyes narrowed against a merciless breeze that seemed to delve into his soul and remove any warmth that seemed to have resided there. He grit his teeth as the bitter chill hugged his bones and made him flinch slightly. He glanced over at Iliana, wondering how she was faring in this hideous excuse for weather. FC pressed his flank gently toward hers to transfer any body heat he had left to her slender frame.

As the young prince approached, he stood straighter--still keeping his body against Iliana's. He tilted his chin up nobly until Twilight was upon them--and when he was FC promptly dipped his head as any respectful subject would do. He listened to Twilight take command with a long-winded speech that gave him a different sort of chills. He knew that Twilight spoke the truth and was prepared to do anything the golden lion asked of him.

When he heard his orders he nodded firmly, "Yes, of course." he responded, glancing to Iliana--he hoped that this meant they could do this patrolling thing together. "I won't let you down, your highness." he smirked, puffing out his chest proudly--but the stubborn spiked tuft that'd been there before was sagging down with wet. "One thing though, Twi," he added, tilting his head a little, "what of these newcomers? Are they really to be trusted so soon?" he spoke the last bit in a rasping whisper so that the rogues may not hear him...afterall, he didn't want them targeting him specifically--or worse, the thing he cared about most...Iliana.