Oh wow favorite episode.... I can remember a handful...

Timon dressed as a Christmas elf, Rafikia's nephew breaking Rafiki's stick, Timon and Pumbaa celebrating bestest best friends day and Timon forgets, The one witht eh baby crocodile, The ones with Fred in it! ^^.. (Very happy to see that movie adaption of him, even if it was for like a mili-second), The one where they were pretending to be baby gorillas to hide from Quint! XD Uhmm...*thinks* The one with Rafiki and the wildebeast, of COURSE "Once Upon a Timon", And I totally remember the one where Timon got all freaked out about Simba eating meat and he thought they'd be next. Of course all of the song numbers i've watched, One where Timon ate a bug on the wrong day so he died and went to heaven where he met 2 gorgeous looking meerkat girls...and even the one with Speedy the slug I can remember!

A favorite though...a favorite though...*taps foot*... I'd have to saaaayy... Once Upon a Timon, Those music videos aannd... the one where Simba tries to eathim.. oh yeah! XD And practical jokre Fred.