Thanks for your suggestions, Nit!

I thought somethings was missing... It was the spoiler tag. I'm using it quite frequently over at The Savannah myself. So thank you for pointing that one out. Since it's only a small code change, I just added it. And while I was at it, I also added a button in the editor for it. Yay!

I'm sure you know this already, but here is the explanation anyway:

When you click on it you can enter a description for your spoiler. That's the text, that will appear on the button. Then you just have to type the spoiler's text inside the brackets. Et voilą! Finished

(SPOILER=Click here!)My spoiler's text!(/SPOILER)
You have to use "[" and "]" instead of "(" and ")".

It will look like this:

Oh and about the hide tag:
I think it might be handy. However since we'd have to change more than just add a few lines of code, I think we should discuss this in the team first. But thank you for your suggestion. I will look into it