Quote Originally Posted by KanuTGL View Post
Yeeah, my whole plan in relation to this thread kind of went out the window a long time ago I think I've been putting on some weight this year, but I stood on the scale the other day and I don't actually weigh as much as I thought. So that's nice, at least :P None the less, I do want to lose a few kgs and get into better shape, so I've also started doing what everyone else does - playing Pokémon GO xD The eggs really are a great motivation to get out and about. Loving the 90s revival too
That's a shame
(The whole "forgot about this thread"-part, not the latter >p< )

Looks like I'm really missing out by not playing a lot of Pokémon Go

A little more on-topic: I finished my calzone, considering it was a tiny one and counted as both breakfast and lunch, makes me feel no-so-guilty about it
No idea what I'll be having for diner, though. Probably just some fruit as I've got some watermelon, cantaloupe, and apples lying about ^-^