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Thread: The Interrogation Game (aka The Hot Seat Game)

  1. #1
    Senior Member lionloversam's Avatar
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    The Interrogation Game (aka The Hot Seat Game)

    How this game works is a person is questioned for a week. Any question can be asked within reason. After a week of being questioned and answering the questions, the person who's turn it was to be questioned chooses the next one to be questioned.

    Since I am starting this thread, I will be first. But, come next friday, I will pick the next person to be questioned for a week. Then they will pick the next in a week. So on and so on. I think we had this back on the first LH.

    Well, anyway, fire away.

    Thanks for the banner, Sombolia.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    1. Your favourite colour

    2. Do you get embarrassed easily

    3. Last thing you prayed about/for (if you did)

    4. What other name would you like if not Samuel.

    5. Would you ever get your eyes lasered so you wouldn't have to wear glasses anymore ?

  3. #3
    Senior Member Sombolia's Avatar
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    If you could move anywhere, where would you go?

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    So a blonde, a brunette and a red head all walk.... oh wait. Wrong thing

    Which do you prefer, blondes, brunettes or red-heads?

    Read the book or watch the movie first?

    Do you even like reading?

    Dream holiday destination?
    That which you manifest is before you.

  5. #5
    Senior Member lionloversam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Safila View Post
    1. Your favourite colour

    2. Do you get embarrassed easily

    3. Last thing you prayed about/for (if you did)

    4. What other name would you like if not Samuel.

    5. Would you ever get your eyes lasered so you wouldn't have to wear glasses anymore ?
    1. My favorite color is orange
    2. Sometimes I am more easily embarrassed than others.
    3. I usually pray for multiple things when I start to pray. So, it is hard to say for sure what the last specific thing I prayed for was.
    4. If I had to choose a name for myself besides Samuel, it would be either 'Timon' or 'Charles'.
    5. I wouldn't consider laser eye surgery.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sombolia View Post

    If you could move anywhere, where would you go?
    If I could move anywhere, I would choose somewhere in south California. I hear it doesn't snow there. But again, on the other hand, I would have to say NYC because of the nice mass transit system they have. You are always close to a subway or bus stop, if not both. So, I guess, I am not really sure where I would go.

    Quote Originally Posted by Azerane View Post
    So a blonde, a brunette and a red head all walk.... oh wait. Wrong thing

    Which do you prefer, blondes, brunettes or red-heads?

    Read the book or watch the movie first?

    Do you even like reading?

    Dream holiday destination?
    1. Brunette, I guess.

    2. Watch the movie first, even though I hear it is best to read the book first. I really should start reading the book first.

    3. Yes. I do like to read.

    4. The list of places I would like to visit is long. But, I have always wanted to visit England. I was told that southern England has more country side. So, I think a visit to southern England would be nice.

    Thanks for the banner, Sombolia.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    1. would you rather be able to fly or be under the water swimming ?

    2. If you could choose any car to own, free, what would you pick ?

    3. Do you ever wear holey socks or undies ?

    4. Of you could be the opposite sex for a week (human) who would you be ?

    5. Do you ever lie on your back cloud staring ?

  7. #7
    Senior Member lionloversam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Safila View Post
    1. would you rather be able to fly or be under the water swimming ?

    2. If you could choose any car to own, free, what would you pick ?

    3. Do you ever wear holey socks or undies ?

    4. Of you could be the opposite sex for a week (human) who would you be ?

    5. Do you ever lie on your back cloud staring ?
    1. Swim under water

    2. If I could choose any car for free, I would choose a Mercedes-Benz. Not sure what exact model I would choose. Something compact.

    3. Um... yes.

    4. Not anymore. I thought about it. But, I decided that wouldn't want that, not even in the short term.

    5. I sometimes just stare at clouds. But, I don't lay on my back.

    Thanks for the banner, Sombolia.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    1. whats in your wallet

    2. WOuld you shave your head for charity

    3. do you/your family have any christmas traditions ?

    4. 5 people living/dead who you would like to sit down to dinner with ?

    5. Last novel you read was ?

  9. #9
    Senior Member lionloversam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Safila View Post
    1. whats in your wallet

    2. WOuld you shave your head for charity

    3. do you/your family have any christmas traditions ?

    4. 5 people living/dead who you would like to sit down to dinner with ?

    5. Last novel you read was ?
    1. Drivers license, grocery store cards, library card, credit card and usually some money

    2. Yes. I would shave my head for charity.

    3. My family has a Christmas tradition. My mom will make a loaf of bread filled with either strawberry or cherry jelly. And get a bottle of sparkling grape juice. Last year we used wine instead. On Christmas morning, usually before we open gifts, we will have the bread and juice/wine. We usually have a lit candle on the table for this tradition. Before we have the bread we sing a song. It is to the tune of "Happy Birthday". The lyrics are:

    Happy Birthday to you
    Thanks for coming to earth
    We love you Lord Jesus
    Happy Birthday to you

    Then we have the bread and juice/wine. Afterwards we open gifts. My parents started this tradition when I was much younger. I can't remember for sure how young I was.

    4. The five people living and dead I would like to sit down to dinner with would be: George W. Bush, Glenn Beck, Elton John, Jesus and the Apostle Paul
    I can think of a lot more. I almost wanted to put down everybody here at LH for one big group dinner party. But, that would be a lot more than five and can't be considered one.

    5. I can't remember what the last novel I read was. I think the last book I read was "The Botany of Desire" by Michael Pollan. Or some other book by Pollan not sure which one it was.

    Thanks for the banner, Sombolia.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Sombolia's Avatar
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    Who's your favorite superhero?

    What's your least favorite color?

    Can you dance?

  11. #11
    Senior Member lionloversam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sombolia View Post
    Who's your favorite superhero?

    What's your least favorite color?

    Can you dance?
    1. I'm not sure. I am not too into superheroes. But, I'll go with Ironman.

    2. My least favorite color is gray. But, oddly, I like the 'outlander grey' theme even though I don't use it much.

    3. No. I can't dance.

    Thanks for the banner, Sombolia.

  12. #12
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    1. You were stranded on an island adn you could take 5 things to survive/pass time what would you take ?

    2. 5 scopps of icecream in a waffle cone, what would they be ?

    3. Do you bite your nails ?

    4. do you like bubblebaths?

    5. Do you have any toys saved from when you were little ?

  13. #13
    Senior Member lionloversam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Safila View Post
    1. You were stranded on an island adn you could take 5 things to survive/pass time what would you take ?

    2. 5 scopps of icecream in a waffle cone, what would they be ?

    3. Do you bite your nails ?

    4. do you like bubblebaths?

    5. Do you have any toys saved from when you were little ?
    1. I would take a lifetime supply of canned lentil soup, a lifetime supply of milk chocolate, a can opener, a book on shipbuilding and a hammer.

    2. All five scoops of ice cream would be cherry vanilla.

    3. Yes, I bite my nails.

    4. No, I don't like bubble baths.

    5. I am sure I have some toys from when I was little somewhere in the basement. I also have a bunch of little TLK figurines in my room.

    Thanks for the banner, Sombolia.

  14. #14
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    1. What was your favourite toys you liked to play with when little (non tlk)?

    2. three things you like about yourself?

    3. three things you don't like about yourself ?

    4. Last thing you did/gave to charity ?

    5. Are you impatient or a patient person ?

  15. #15
    Senior Member lionloversam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Safila View Post
    1. What was your favourite toys you liked to play with when little (non tlk)?

    2. three things you like about yourself?

    3. three things you don't like about yourself ?

    4. Last thing you did/gave to charity ?

    5. Are you impatient or a patient person ?
    1. My favorite non-tlk toys would have been either my little toy cars or my cap gun.

    2. Three things I like about myself is how I tend to be slightly more open-minded than most of my other family members. I like that even though I can be forgetful, I tend to remember to offer guests a drink and something to eat when they come in. I also like that I am getting slightly more adventurous than I was when I was younger.

    3. Three things I don't like about myself are even though I am getting better at it, I am still very hesitant with stepping outside of my comfort zone. I don't like it that I have trouble speaking clearly at times, not to mention my voice. I don't like that I am near-sighted.

    4. The last thing I gave to charity was probably a donation to Christian Outreach International a few years back. COI is a organization that sends missionaries to various countries. I specifically donated to the efforts in Ukraine.

    5. I try my best to be patient, but I do have moments when I am impatient. But, I guess overall I am patient.

    Thanks for the banner, Sombolia.

  16. #16
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    1. What would you like to find under the christmas tree this year for yourself ?

    2. Best Christmas present you've ever received ?

    3. 5 things you would do/see if you were in China ?

    4. 5 things you know about me

    5. Last person you hugged and why ?

    6. Have you ever waxed any part of your body ?

    7. Do you think people should be made do community work to receive their dole ?

  17. #17
    The One True Orange Raize's Avatar
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    1. If you could change ONE thing about the world, what would it be? Why?
    2. Five more things you know about Safila :P

    I was left to my own devices. Many days fell away with nothing to show. And the walls kept tumbling down in the city that we love. Great clouds roll over the hills, bringing darkness from above. We were caught up and lost in all of our vices. Oh where do we begin; the rubble or our sins? But if you close your eyes, does it almost feel like nothing's changed at all?

  18. #18
    Senior Member lionloversam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Safila View Post
    1. What would you like to find under the christmas tree this year for yourself ?

    2. Best Christmas present you've ever received ?

    3. 5 things you would do/see if you were in China ?

    4. 5 things you know about me

    5. Last person you hugged and why ?

    6. Have you ever waxed any part of your body ?

    7. Do you think people should be made do community work to receive their dole ?
    1. Not sure. This year my parents are taking me on a cruise for my present.

    2. The best Christmas gift I ever got was.... I'm not sure. I remember the year TLK2 came out, my Uncle gave me a VHS copy of the movie. I got so excited, I jumped up and down saying "Thank you" till I was out of breath. But, not sure which I would say the best was.

    3. If I was in China, I would want to see The Great Wall of China, some monasteries, a tiger, a panda bear and Shanghai.

    4. Five things I know about you:
    You play the guitar and sing.
    You like Milo.
    You like Darrell Lea Licorice.
    You live in Australia.
    You joke with WEW how much olive oil he uses.

    5. I can't remember for sure who the last person I gave a hug to for sure was.

    6. I have never waxed any part of my body

    7. I have never thought about that. Not sure.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raize View Post
    1. If you could change ONE thing about the world, what would it be? Why?
    2. Five more things you know about Safila :P
    1. If I could change one thing about the world, I would want to end all undue discrimination. I can't think of anything else.

    2. Five more things about Safila? Okay...
    She spends lots of time in the game threads.
    She discovered the hard way not to eat six peppermint tic tacs at once
    She needs a new guitar case
    She is waiting for a siggy banner from WEW
    She works around a bunch of DVDs

    Thanks for the banner, Sombolia.

  19. #19
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    (haha you read what I say LLS )

    1. Are you superstitious about anything ?

    2. If you were turned into a female, what piece of clothing would you like to try on first ?

    3. Would you be embarrassed buying condoms infront of a relative ?

    4. Favourite 3 desserts ?

    5. when you go to sleep what position are you usually in ?

    6. Do you taste test fruit (like grapes) in the supermarket ?

    7. Can you roller blade/skate?

    8. Can you ski ?

    9. Last thing you made for a meal that was eatable ?

    10. three favourite smells ?

  20. #20
    Senior Member lionloversam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Safila View Post
    (haha you read what I say LLS )

    1. Are you superstitious about anything ?

    2. If you were turned into a female, what piece of clothing would you like to try on first ?

    3. Would you be embarrassed buying condoms infront of a relative ?

    4. Favourite 3 desserts ?

    5. when you go to sleep what position are you usually in ?

    6. Do you taste test fruit (like grapes) in the supermarket ?

    7. Can you roller blade/skate?

    8. Can you ski ?

    9. Last thing you made for a meal that was eatable ?

    10. three favourite smells ?
    1. I do not really consider myself superstitious about anything.

    2. If I was turned into a female, I would just continue wearing the clothes I currently have. With the exception of a bra, maybe.

    3. Yes. I would be too embarrassed to buy condoms even if I was by myself.

    4. My three favorite desserts are bread pudding, baklava and cannoli (I also really like cherry ice cream and vanilla ice cream.)

    5. I usually fall to sleep laying on my side.

    6. No. I don't taste test fruit before buying it.

    7. No. I can't skate or rollerblade

    8. No. I can't ski.

    9. When I was in NYC, I helped my sister make vegan sloppy joes.

    10. My three favorite smells are pine, chamomile and the smell of freshly brewed coffee.

    Thanks for the banner, Sombolia.

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